Showing 51 - 60 of 557,476
Die deutschen Unternehmen sind bereits heute von Klimafolgen und Extremwetterereignissen betroffen. Unternehmen werden sich aber in Zukunft noch stärker auf die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels einstellen müssen. Sie erwarten, dass direkte und/oder indirekte Betroffenheit durch das...
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Die deutschen Unternehmen sind bereits heute von Klimafolgen und Extremwetterereignissen betroffen. Unternehmen werden sich aber in Zukunft noch stärker auf die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels einstellen müssen. Sie erwarten, dass direkte und/oder indirekte Betroffenheit durch das...
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The social cost of carbon is the central economic measure for aggregate climate change damages and functions as a metric for optimal carbon prices. Previous literature shows that inequality significantly influences the level of the social cost of carbon, but mostly neglects a major source of...
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The paper derives the optimal carbon tax in closed-form from an integrated assessment of climate change. The formula shows how carbon, temperature, and economic dynamics quantify the optimal mitigation effort. The model's descriptive power is comparable to numeric models used in policy advising....
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Many nonmarket valuation models, such as the Ricardian model, have been estimated using cross sectional methods with a single year of data. Although multiple years of data should increase the robustness of such methods, repeated cross sections suggest the results are not stable. We argue that...
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We estimate a Ricardian model of Western European agricultural land values using farm-level data. We model the effect of temperature on land values using a flexible specification of daily mean temperature to test if there are temperature threshold effects. Results indicate that there are no...
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Recent reduced-form econometric models of climate change impacts on agriculture assume climate is additive. This is reflected in climate regressors that are aggregated over several months that include the growing season. In this paper I develop a simple model to show how this assumption imposes...
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In Sub-Saharan Africa, climate change is set to hit the agricultural sector the most and cause untold suffering particularly for smallholder farmers. To cushion themselves against the potential welfare losses, smallholder farmers need to recognize the changes already taking place in their...
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Many nonmarket valuation models, such as the Ricardian model, have been estimated using cross sectional methods with a single year of data. Although multiple years of data should increase the robustness of such methods, repeated cross sections suggest the results are not stable. We argue that...
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In the Southern Altiplano of Bolivia, altered climate patterns have negatively impacted the production of essential crops. In particular, quinoa, which has gained global popularity as a superfood, has been affected. The increased demand has placed considerable pressure on local farmers to...
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