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market portfolio;The specification of ARMA-GARCH helps capture fairly well issues such as serial correlations and fat …
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different industrial sectors. A competitive partial-equilibrium model with quadratic adjustment costs in investment and a GARCH … model, the GARCH property is inherited by the aggregate investment process in the rational-expectations equilibrium. The … conjectured, GARCH effects play an important role in some sectors but are not significant in others. Astonishingly, the volatility …
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This paper asks whether the ‘leverage effect’ –as defined by Black (1976) for stock markets– is also a characteristic of foreign exchange markets. The study focuses on five Latin American emerging markets which have adopted a floating exchange regime. It
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This paper reviews the traditional ways to measure volatility which are based only on closing prices, and introduces alternative measurements that use additional information of prices during the day: opening, minimum, maximum, and closing prices. Using th
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Slovakia) using GARCH and TARCH models between 1999 and 2004. We show that these countries tried to reduce volatility of the …
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Bu çalışmada enflasyon ve büyümenin GARCH modelleri kullanılarak enflasyon, büyüme ve reel-nominal belirsizlikler …
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El concepto de Value at Risk (valor del riesgo) se ha popularizado hace ya casi una década. Este artículo describe el significado de este concepto, y presenta aplicaciones sobre carteras de activos de bonos, acciones, forwards de tasa de interés y de tipos de cambio, y swaps. Se introducen...
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This paper investigates the presence of asymmetric GARCH effects in a number of equity return series, and compare the … modeling performance of seven different conditional variance models, within the parametric GARCH class of models. The data …
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In this paper the autocorrelation structure of the Exponential GARCH(p,q) process of Nelson (1991) is considered … and compared to those of the standard GARCH(p,q) process. In particular, it is seen that, the EGARCH(p,q) model has a … richer autocorrelation structure than the standard GARCH(p,q) one. The statistical theory is further illustrated by a few …
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heteroskedastic environment. This is done by a simulation procedure where asset returns are generated from a GARCH (1,1)-t model. In … shown that the variance of the returns on the hedged position is considerably higher in a GARCH (1,1) environment than in a …
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