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Although we know there exists a simple approach to solve the circularity between value and the discount rate, known as the Adjusted Present Value proposed by Myers, 1974, it seems that practitioners still rely on the traditional Weighted Average Cost of Capital, WACC approach of weighting the...
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In this note we analyze the tutorial based on the McKinsey methodology for valuing companies. We have found that the McKinsey methodology has one of the most common mistakes mentioned in Tham and Vélez-Pareja (2004a and b): valuing cash flows with a constant cost of capital when the leverage is...
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In “Consistency in Chocolate: A Fresh Look at Copeland’s Hershey Foods & Co Case” we showed the inconsistencies regarding the assumption of constant leverage and the inconsistency in the values for equity calculated with different approaches. In this second part we show the differences in...
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Since the Modigliani and Miller 1958 seminal paper, there has been a problem posed by the fact that the discount rate to value cash flows depends on the value of thesecash flows. This gives raise to the circularity problem.In this paper we propose an analytical solution to this circularity...
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In the latest edition of Principles of Corporate Finance (Brealey, Myers and Allen, 2006) the authors use a finite cash flow example to illustrate the valuation procedure for using the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method with the free cash flow (FCF) and the Adjusted Present Value (APV). The two...
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Practitioners and teachers very easily break some consistency rules when doing or teaching valuation of assets. In this short and simple note we present a practical guide to call the attention upon the most frequent broken consistency rules. They have to do firstly with the consistency in the...
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Usually a great deal of effort is devoted in typical financial textbooks to the mechanics of the calculations of time value of money equivalencies: payments, future values, present values, etc. This is necessary. However little or no effort is devoted to how to arrive at the figures required to...
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In theory, different valuation methods, with consistent assumptions, must give identical results. Numerical examples that purport to illustrate the theory should demonstrate the identical results. Unfortunately, in popular textbooks it is all too easy to find numerical examples that are at odds...
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Este es material de curso del libro Decisiones Empresariales bajo Riesgo e Incertidumbre. El nivel del libro es basico. Se usan muy pocas matematicas y puede ser usado por gerentes. En el capitulo siete se mencionan diferentes enfoques para la valoracion de las empresas. Se calculan los flujos...
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World Bank (WB) has played a crucial role in the development of the economies of the world, especially in the emerging countries. We recognize the leadership it has shown and the intellectual authority the WB has on planning offices, practitioners and consultants. For this reason it is very...
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