Showing 31 - 40 of 73
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Risk measurement and pricing of financial positions are based on modeling assumptions, which are common assumptions on the probability distribution of the position's outcomes. We associate a model with a probability measure and investigate model risk by considering a model space. First, we...
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In den letzten Jahren hat sich eine Vielzahl von Produkten entwickelt, bei denen der Zahlungszeitpunkt und die Feststellung des Zinssatzes von den natürlichenGewohnheiten des Marktes abweichen. Ein typisches Instrument sind LIBORZahlungen, deren Zinsfestellung nicht am Anfang, sondern am Ende...
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We investigate the problem of modeling defaults of dependent credits. In the framework of the class of structural default models we study threshold models where for each credit the underling ability-to-pay process is a transformation of a Wiener processes. We propose a model for dependent...
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This article surveys approaches to modelling the term structure of interest rates. Over the last few decades several frameworks have been developed, which are actively used in banks for the pricing and risk management of interest rate related products. There seems to be a need for an...
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The payoff of many credit derivatives depends on the level of credit spreads. In particular, the payoff of credit derivatives with a leverage component is sensitive to jumps in the underlying credit spreads. In the framework of first passage time models we extend the model introduced in...
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We investigate the pricing of basket credit derivatives and their hedging with single name credit default swaps (CDS) based on a model for the joint dynamics of the fair CDS spreads. In the situation of the market flow of information being a pure jump filtration, we present an extremely...
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The payoff of many credit derivatives depends on the level of credit spreads. In particular, credit derivatives with a leverage component are subject to gap risk, a risk associated with the occurrence of jumps in the underlying credit default swaps. In the framework of first passage time models,...
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In Monte Carlo simulation, Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) [McKay et al. (1979)] is a well-known variance reduction technique for vectors of independent random variables. The method presented here, Latin hypercube sampling with dependence (LHSD), extends LHS to vectors of dependent random...
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