Showing 61 - 70 of 278
Purpose – This paper aims to provide an overview of the market for corporate and sovereign credit default swaps (CDS), with particular focus on Europe. It studies whether the subprime crisis of 2007/2008 and, particularly, the European debt crisis 2009/2010 led to a differential development on...
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Welche Einflussfaktoren bestimmen die Spreadentwicklung im Kapitalmarktsegment derBanken im Verlauf der Finanzkrise? Unter Verwendung der Regressionsanalyse werden dieDeterminanten von Asset-Swap- (ASW) und Credit-Default-Swap- (CDS) Spreads ausgewähltereuropäischer Banken im Zeitraum April...
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This paper empirically investigates the risk and performance of three types of alternative betaproducts over the January 2002 to September 2009 time period: funds of hedge funds (FHFs),investable hedge fund indices (IHFIs), and hedge fund replication strategies (HFRS). Weshow that IHFIs are true...
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Implied Base Correlations of Single-tranche CDOs on standardized Credit Indices such asthe iTraxx Europe have been used in the credit derivatives market for price communication.During the financial crisis, implied correlations have been quite volatile indicating thegrowing fraction of systematic...
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Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) were established in Europe in 2000 and have grown to a sizeof over 200 bn US$. Some issuers use a full replication strategy while others prefer a swapbased approach. The ETF are dealt parallelly in the primary and in the secondary market, asnew ETFs can be created at...
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After the onset of the subprime crisis and the European debt crisis, credit default swaps (CDS) have seen a strong increase in usage. Particularly sovereign CDS protection has been sought after, paralleling the rise in sovereign debt levels, slumps in GDP growth and political tensions in...
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In der Öffentlichkeit wurden Befürchtungen geäußert, dass Basel II den Mittelstand benachteilige, indem die Kreditverfügbarkeit für die Unternehmen eingeschränkt und ihre Zinskosten steigen würden. Für Dr. Werner Müller, Bundeswirtschaftsminister, ist diese Frage »derzeit noch nicht...
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Die Diskussion um neue Regelungen zur Bankenaufsicht hat noch kein Ende gefunden. Der Baseler Ausschuss sollte bei einem Treffen Anfang Januar die letzten Details klären, um »Basel III zu vollenden« oder »Basel IV« zu errichten. Doch das Treffen musste verschoben werden. Kontrovers...
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We propose a new method for measuring how far away banks are from complying with a multi-ratio regulatory framework. We suggest measuring the efforts a bank has to make to reach compliance as an additional portfolio which is derived from a microeconomic banking model. This compliance portfolio...
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In the context of the recent slump in global oil prices, the paper investigates the effect of oil price shocks on the economic performance of 51 individual OECD and OPEC economies. We propose an error correction model which allows us to differentiate between short- and longrun price effects. For...
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