Showing 61 - 70 of 41,176
Employer-provided severance pay in the U.S. emerged among salaried workers during the Great Depression as an alternative to modest advance notice and expanded in the late 1950s and 1960s, especially among union (hourly) workers. A variety of sources are employed to estimate variations in...
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Employer-provided severance pay plans became common during the Great Depression, a reaction to (i) large-scale layoffs of long-service workers, and (ii) the growing formalism of the employment relationship. Reasonably consistent series are constructed for severance plan coverage and structure by...
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We study changes in job security after displacement and exploit eligibility rules for lump-sum payments in the Netherlands to investigate the role of liquid wealth. Within five years of job loss, the likelihood of being in permanent employment remains 12% lower for displaced workers. Those...
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In this paper we analyse to what extent the outward shift in the Portuguese Beveridge curve since 2007 has been due to structural or cyclical factors and how likely the outward shift will persist. We do this by empirically estimating the Beveridge curve in a Markov-switching panel setting with...
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In this paper we analyse to what extent the outward shift in the Portuguese Beveridge curve since 2007 has been due to structural or cyclical factors and how likely the outward shift will persist. We do this by empirically estimating the Beveridge curve in a Markov-switching panel setting with...
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After seven years of litigation, including four trips to the English Court of Appeal, an admissibility decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has finally ended Mr Pay's hopes of a successful claim for unfair dismissal. The legal significance of these proceedings concerns the...
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Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Entwicklung der Akzeptanz der Empfehlung G.13 Satz 1 des Deutschen Corporate Governance Kodex (in der Fassung vom 16. Dezember 2019, vormals 4.2.3 Abs. 4 Satz 1), die für vorzeitige Vertragsbeendigungen von Vorstandsmitgliedern Abfindungsobergrenzen vorsieht. Die...
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Empfehlungen zur Beschränkung von Abfindungen an vorzeitig ausscheidende Vorstandsmitglieder werden häufig nicht eingehalten. Solange Vorstandsmitglieder nicht gegen ihren Willen entlassen werden dürfen, ist eine Beschränkung der Abfindungen weder im Interesse der Unternehmen noch effizient....
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In diesem Beitrag wird untersucht, ob Vorstandsabfindungen von börsennotierten Unternehmen durch die Empfehlung 4.2.3 Abs. 4 Satz 1 des Deutschen Corporate Governance Kodex in ihrer Höhe begrenzt werden. Die Analyse umfangreicher empirischer Daten zu Entsprechenserklärungen aller...
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In this study we examine the contribution of severance pay to employment and unemployment development using data on industrialized OECD countries. Our starting point is Lazear?s (1990) empirical dictum that severance payment requirements adversely impact the labor market. We extend his sample...
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