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Recent work on the theory of regression with integrated process is reviewed. This work is particularly relevant in economics where many financial series and macroeconomic time series exhibit nonstationary characteristics and are often well modeled individually as simple ARIMA processes. The...
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The paper deals with two methods of solving optimization programs where uncertainties occur: stochastic (in particular chance-constrained) programming and robust programming. We review briefly how these two methods deal with uncertainty and what approximations are commonly used. Furthermore, we...
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indicate that our scaled "pre-asymptotic" Wald test with F critical values has more accurate size in finite samples than the … usual Wald test with chi-square critical values. …
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Nonparametric regression with spatial, or spatio-temporal, data is considered. The conditional mean of a dependent variable, given explanatory ones, is a nonparametric function, while the conditional covariance reflects spatial correlation. Conditional heteroscedasticity is also allowed, as well...
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theoretical results we propose a new robust nonparametric test for the two-sample location problem, which is constructed from the … median of pairwise differences between the two samples. We inspect the properties of the test in the case of weakly dependent … data and compare the performance with classical tests such as the t-test and Wilcoxon’s two-sample rank test with …
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In this paper we are concerned with the issue of the existence of locally uniform Edgeworth expansions for the distributions of random vectors. Our motivation resides on the fact that this could enable subsequent uniform approximations of analogous moments and their derivatives. We derive...
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For high dimensional data sets the sample covariance matrix is usually unbiased but noisy if the sample is not large enough. Shrinking the sample covariance towards a constrained, low dimensional estimator can be used to mitigate the sample variability. By doing so, we introduce bias, but reduce...
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outcome. For each gene, a test statistic is computed to determine if an association exists, and this statistic generates a … normality of the test statistic. The p-values are assumed to be weakly dependent and a quasi-likelihood is used to estimate the …
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An asymptotic theory is given for autoregressive time series with weakly dependent innovations and a root of the form rho_{n} = 1+c/n^{alpha}, involving moderate deviations from unity when alpha in (0,1) and c in R are constant parameters. The limit theory combines a functional law to a...
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This paper studies efficient estimation of partial linear regression in time series models. In particular, it combines two topics that have attracted a good deal of attention in econometrics, viz. spectral regression and partial linear regression, and proposes an efficient frequency domain...
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