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Phillips curve, the sum of coefficients associated with expected inflation is far beyond unity, whatever measure of expected … inflation rates is employed. Therefore, either the NAIRU concept is not applicable to Germany or, as it is our suggestion, one … estimates the unemployment rate that is compatible with a tolerable inflation rate of say 2 percent following roughly the …
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earlier studies, we find that US postwar data are consistent both with the view that inflation dynamics are forward … relevant determinant of inflation. We show that this is an important factor contributing to the weak identification of the …
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variable for Swedish inflation than the output gap. However, standard errors in the estimations are large and it is in fact … difficult to pin down a statistically significant relationship between either real marginal cost or the output gap and inflation. … superior to the traditional output gap. In this paper, a marginal-cost based New Keynesian Phillips curve is estimated on …
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Inflation persistence has been put forward as one of the potential reasons of divergence among euro area members. It … NMS went through, are applied. We emphasize that a time-varying mean models suggest similar or lower inflation persistence … due to frequent breaks in inflation time series in the NMS. Structural persistence measures show that backward …
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We study the dynamics of inflation persistence in 45 countries for the period 1960-2008. We use a nonparametric unit … inflation data, and a test for multiple changes in persistence, which decomposes the sample information between adjacent I(0 …) and I(1) periods. We find that (1) With very few exceptions, inflation around the world rejects a unit root, (2) for …
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Empirical research on the degree and stability of inflation persistence in the US has produced mixed results: some …-WWII US inflation (monthly and quarterly) became highly persistent during the 'Great Inflation'period, and then switched back …
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In this paper we develop and estimate a behavioral model of inflation dynamics with monopolistic competition, staggered … naive. Fundamentalists are forward-looking in the sense that they believe in a present-value relationship between inflation … forecast future inflation. Agents are allowed to switch between these different forecasting strategies conditional on their …
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situation poses to price stability. We propose to regard the central banker as a risk manager who aims to contain inflation …
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Equilibrium correction models of the price level are often used to model inflation. Such models assume that the long …
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The paper presents an incomplete competition model (ICM), where inflation is determined jointly with unit labour cost … growth. The ICM is estimated on data for the Euro area and evaluated against existing models, i.e. the implicit inflation …. There is, however, some support in favour of the (reduced form) AWM inflation equation. It is the only model that …
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