Showing 121 - 130 of 22,283
Die Arbeiten an der Gemeinsamen konsolidierten Körperschaftsteuer-Bemessungsgrundlage GKKB gehen weiter. Allerdings dient der am 28. Januar 2016 von der Kommission veröffentlichte Richtlinienentwurf primär der Einschränkung von als unerwünscht angesehenen Steuergestaltungen. Das...
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In July 2013 the OECD, to tackle multinational tax avoidance, published its Action Plan against base erosion and profit shifting. The Action Plan suggests a variety of legislative and administrative measures to eliminate frictions from interactions between domestic tax laws and international tax...
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To what degree developing countries gain from signing double tax treaties is being hotly debated. In this paper, we analyze the Austrian tax treaty policy. Combining legal and economic perspectives, we find that developing countries are likely to expect both positive and negative impacts from...
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Seit der Unternehmensteuerreform 2008/2009 haben sich die steuerlichen Rahmenbedingungen in Deutschland im Grundsatz nicht geändert. Eine Analyse der deutschen Steuerpolitik in der laufenden Legislaturperiode zeigt, dass sich Änderungen lediglich auf die Beseitigung verfassungswidriger...
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I examine the influence of cross-border group taxation on ownership chains for European multinational firms. I show that the tax advantages of cross-border group taxation regimes can only be exploited if a multinational firm has at least one intermediate subsidiary in the country allowing for...
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An increasing fraction of donations is channeled through donation intermediaries. These entities serve multiple purposes, one of which seems to be providing donors with greater certainty: that the donation reaches its intended goal, and that the donor may be sure to get a tax benefit. We...
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We examine the link between corporate governance, managerial incentives, and corporate tax avoidance. Similar to other investment opportunities that involve risky expected cash flows, unresolved agency problems may lead managers to engage in more or less corporate tax avoidance than shareholders...
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In their famous Mirrlees review (2011) on reforming the tax system for the 21st century, the authors put forward the introduction of an allowance for corporate equity regime. In recent years, several countries introduced an ACE regime. The main feature of an ACE regime is that it removes tax...
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This paper analyzes the effect on firm behavior and national tax revenues of a policy of allowing multinational firms to choose whether to be taxed under separate accounting rules (transfer prices) or an apportionment formula. Either method can be preferred by low-cost firms and by high-cost...
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11 European countries now operate IP Box regimes that provide substantially reduced rates of corporate tax for income derived from important forms of intellectual property. We incorporate these policies into forward-looking measures of the cost of capital, effective marginal tax rates and...
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