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(mixed flat instrument). We test in the lab the predictions of the model solved for 3 distinct behavioural assumptions: (a …
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(mixed flat instrument). We test in the lab the predictions of the model solved for 3 distinct behavioural assumptions: (a …
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In this paper, we investigate the optimal taxation policy in a differential oligopoly game where the competing firms share the access to a productive renewable resource. We show that, in a linear Feedback Nash Equilibrium of the game, a linear Markov tax, imposed on the output, and specified as...
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(mixed flat instrument). We test in the lab the predictions of the model solved for 3 distinct behavioural assumptions: (a …
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A fundamental problem for an economy based on a common property resource is the absence of a market to trade the resource. This implies that private costs are below social costs. This paper investigates possible government interventions that correct for such distortions in a neoclassical growth...
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A fundamental problem for an economy based on a common property resource is the absence of a market to trade the resource. This implies that private costs are below social costs. This paper investigates possible government interventions that correct for such distortions in a neoclassical growth...
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Two agents possess the fishing rights to a lake. Each period they have two options, to catch without restraint, e.g., to use a fine-mazed net, or to catch with some restraint, e.g., to use a wide-mazed net. The use of a fine-mazed net always yields a higher immediate catch than the alternative....
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We explore the efficacy of price and quantity controls as environmental policy instruments in a stochastic setting in which agents are risk averse. We demonstrate that the assumption of risk aversion may improve the performance of a tax relative to that of a system of tradable quotas, and that...
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Technological development is likely to play an important role in curbing growth in greenhouse gas emissions. It is therefore important to incorporate factors influencing technological change in climate policy analyses. This paper studies climate policy when there are technology spillovers...
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We study climate policy when there are technological spillovers between countries, and there is no instrument that (directly) corrects for these externalities. Without an international climate agreement, the (non-cooperative) equilibrium depends on whether countries use tradable quotas or carbon...
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