Showing 1 - 10 of 924
Erdgas spielt als "Brücken"-Energieträger beim Umbau hin zu CO2-ärmeren Energiesystemen in Deutschland, Europa und weltweit eine wichtige Rolle. In diesem Zusammenhang ist die Entwicklung der Erdgaspreise von großer Bedeutung, insbesondere im Verhältnis zum Konkurrenzrohstoff Kohle. Bis vor...
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Natural gas is playing an important role in Germany, Europe, and around the globe as a bridge fuel in the transition toward lower-carbon energy systems. In this context, natural gas price development is very important, particularly in relation to its competitor, coal. Up until a few years ago,...
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In this paper we investigate natural gas producer's reactions to changes in market prices. We estimate price elasticities of aggregated supply in the most competitive market for natural gas: the United States. Using monthly time series data form 1987 to 2012 our analysis is based on an...
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In this paper we investigate natural gas producer's reactions to changes in market prices. We estimate price elasticities of aggregated supply in the most competitive market for natural gas: the United States. Using monthly time series data form 1987 to 2012 our analysis is based on an...
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In this paper we investigate natural gas producer's reactions to changes in market prices. We estimate price elasticities of aggregated supply in the most competitive market for natural gas: the United States. Using monthly time series data form 1987 to 2012 our analysis is based on an...
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In this paper we investigate natural gas producer's reactions to changes in market prices. We estimate price elasticities of aggregated supply in the most competitive market for natural gas: the United States. Using monthly time series data form 1987 to 2012 our analysis is based on an...
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Angesichts eines langfristigen Infrastrukturdefizits in Europa sowie kurzfristig spektakulärer Infrastrukturausfälle (wie des Stromausfalls in Italien am 28. September 2003) stellt sich sowohl auf europäischer als auch auf deutscher Ebene die Frage nach den richtigen wirtschaftspolitischen...
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Die Preise für metallische Rohstoffe streben, trotz jüngster leichter Rückgänge, in der Tendenz neuen Höchstständen entgegen. Eisenerz, der nach Rohöl zweitwichtigste Rohstoff, ist von einer besonders starken Konzentration auf der Anbieter- und der Nachfrageseite geprägt. Relativ neu ist...
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The construction of a second Baltic Sea natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany (Nord Stream 2) is very controversial for political, energy economic, and ecological reasons. The project owner and some European energy companies argue that it is a profitable, private-sector investment project...
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