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multivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditionally Heteroskedastic (GARCH) model. We assume that the dynamic common factors are … dynamic factors governing the data set. A time-varying correlation GARCH model applied on the estimated dynamic factors finds … Factor GARCH model outperforms the univariate GARCH. …
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GARCH model. The GDFM, applied to a large number of series, captures the multivariate information and disentangles the … a GARCH.We compare GDFM+GARCH and standard GARCH performance on two samples up to 171 series, providing one …-step-ahead volatility predictions of returns. The GDFM+GARCH model outperforms the standard GARCH in most cases. These results are robust …
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multivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditionally Heteroskedastic (GARCH) model. We assume that the dynamic common factors are … dynamic factors governing the data set. A time-varying correlation GARCH model applied on the estimated dynamic factors finds … Factor GARCH model outperforms the univariate GARCH. -- Dynamic Factors ; Multivariate GARCH ; Covolatility Forecasting …
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Predicting the one-step-ahead volatility is of great importance in measuring and managing investment risk more accurately. Taking into consideration the main characteristics of the conditional volatility of asset returns, I estimate an asymmetric Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity...
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Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity, EGARCH and GJR-GARCH models under normal, skewed-normal, Student-t and skewed …
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This paper proposes a novel approach to the combination of conditional covariance matrix forecasts based on the use of the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). It is shown how the procedure can be generalized to deal with large dimensional systems by means of a two-step strategy. The finite...
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volatility predictor, the results of an application to tactical asset allocation are presented. -- Multivariate GARCH ; forecast …
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Is univariate or multivariate modelling more effective when forecasting the market risk of stock portfolios? We examine this question in the context of forecasting the one-week-ahead Expected Shortfall of a portfolio invested in the Fama-French and momentum factors. Apply ingextensive tests and...
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The volatility of equity and foreign exchange market is an important input to portfolio selection and to asset pricing models. Many investment decisions and valuation of derivatives frequently rely on predictions of volatility. In this paper we review the existing empirical literature in...
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This article studies the risk forecasting properties of three realized volatility models for three Chinese individual stocks, and reveals the important role that jumps can play in risk prediction. I firstly investigate dynamic pattern of jumps in three Chinese stocks, and find that relative to...
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