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Der Generationenmonitor ist ein Modell, das auf der Methodik von Generationenkontenmodellen basiert. Es dient dazu, langfristige Auswirkungen der Gesetzgebung und der politischen Rahmenbedingungen zu analysieren und dadurch gegebenenfalls Handlungsbedarf abzuleiten. Da-bei werden zum einen...
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In many countries, fiscal policy became strongly expansionary in order to fight the recession. Structural budget deficits increased sharply and might remain high after the end of the recession. This would raise real interest rates and would impair economic growth. Some measures to reduce the...
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Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, ob die Schuldenbremse in ihrer jetzigen Form noch zeitgemäß ist oder ob sie modifiziert, reformiert oder gänzlich abgeschafft werden sollte? Zentral sind dabei Überlegungen, ob im Rahmen der Schuldenbremse "Zukunftsinvestitionen" anders...
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Against a backdrop of debt ratio targets being central to recent proposed changes to the EU fiscal rules, we examine errors in official forecasts of the General Government debt ratios and their determinants in 26 member states from 2012 to 2019 when the "six pack" rules applied. We find debt...
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Die bisher vom Bund im Rahmen der Ausnahme von der Schuldenbremse aufgenommenen Notkredite müssen zwischen 2028 und 2061 getilgt werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen, die fiskalischen Auswirkungen und die Herausforderungen beim Schuldenmanagement näher...
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Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)'s public debt burden remains a challenge to development. Key drivers of public debt include large-scale financing of infrastructure development, adverse impact of multiple shocks including COVID-19 pandemic, maturity mismatches, and high vulnerability to exchange rate...
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Three major global crises since 2008 have pushed up public and external debt ratios and associated risks across much of Asia and the Pacific. This is confirmed by debt ratio projections and evidence of widening pockets of vulnerability picked up by regional heat maps in this paper. By and large,...
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An inquiry into the impact of external and domestic borrowings is considered timely for Nigeria, given the growing public debt profile amid deteriorating human capital development. Using data from 1990 to 2021, the study estimates the effects of domestic and external debts on Nigeria's human...
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This study develops an early warning signal (EWS) of government debt crisis using a panel data consisting of 43 developing countries over the period of 1960 to 2017. It employs two different methods: the noise to signal ratio to capture the signaling power of individual indicators; and the...
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This study analyzes the correlation between the primary budget balance and the public debt over the last two decades, for a panel of 12 countries from Central and Eastern Europe, in order to assess their debt sustainability, the level of debt at which fiscal fatigue may occur, as well as the...
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