Showing 51 - 60 of 1,652
Kennzahlen.Die zweite Methode verwendet das innovative statistische Lasso-Verfahren zur Kennzahlenauswahl im Rahmen eines … Insolvenzprognosemodells für US-amerikanische Grossunternehmen. Lasso ist ein neues vielversprechendes Verfahren zur Auswahl erklärender … weitere erklärende Variablen für Insolvenzprognose zu verwenden.Das Lasso-Verfahren wurde auch bei diesen Untersuchungen mit …
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optimizes all the parameters within the model. We employ Lasso and elastic-net penalty functions as regularization approach. The …
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Since the influential paper of Stock and Watson (2002), the dynamic factor model (DFM) has been widely used for forecasting macroeconomic key variables such as GDP. However, the DFM has some weaknesses. For nowcasting, the dynamic factor model is modified by using the mixed data sampling...
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operator (Lasso) method proposed by Tibshirani (1996) and extended into quantile regression context by Li and Zhu (2008). The …
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random forests, lasso, ridge, deep neural nets, boosted trees, as well as various hybrids and aggregates of these methods (e ….g. a hybrid of a random forest and lasso). We illustrate the application of the general theory through application to the …
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penalization parameter () of a linear quantile lasso regression. The FRM is calculated by taking the average of the penalization …
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quantile lasso regression methods for risk analysis based on NASDAQ data, Yahoo Finance data and some macro variables. The … with the keyword FRM. The RiskAnalytics package is a convenient tool with the purpose of integrating lasso penalized …
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partial least squares and LASSO appear most promising. Also, the forecast potential of Google search terms vis-avis survey …
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for a continuum of target parameters and for Lasso-type or Post-Lasso type methods to be used as estimators of a continuum … continua of Lasso or Post-Lasso type estimators for continua of (nuisance) regression functions and provide practical …
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the Lasso estimator of regression coefficients as well as the threshold parameter. Our Lasso estimator not only selects …-asymptotic oracle inequalities for both the prediction risk and the l1 estimation loss for regression coefficients. Since the Lasso …
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