Showing 897,151 - 897,160 of 1,025,746
In practice, numerous retailers are implementing price-matching guarantees (PMGs) whereby they promise to match the price of an identical product at a competing retailer. Despite strong connection between retailers and manufacturer, however, the literature has extensively studied retailers' PMGs...
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, examining aircraft finance, space mining, modern slavery, and investment law. As a matter of theory, this process-based account …
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embracing price theory as the preferred mode of economic analysis, and the post-Chicago School, with its emphasis on game theory …
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A sender designs a signal about the state of the world to persuade a receiver. Under standard assumptions, an optimal …
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Unconventional monetary policy measures like asset purchase programs aim to reduce certain securities' yield and alter financial institutions' investment behavior. These measures increase the institutions' market value of securities and add to their equity positions. We show that the extent of...
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Discussions of the non-identity problem presuppose a widely shared intuition that actions or policies that change who comes into existence don't, thereby, become morally unproblematic. We hypothesize that this intuition isn’t generally shared by the public, which could have widespread...
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This paper analyzes an incentive contract for new vaccine research and development (R&D) under a pandemic situation such as COVID-19. We study how a public sector (such as a government) designs an R&D contract and offers it to pharmaceutical enterprises. A simply agency-theoretic model is...
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Assuming mergers are unpredictable, previous studies find they create no value for acquirers, while targets gain a hefty bid premium. This paper proposes a new approach to account for partial anticipation, which allows the parameters of the asset pricing model to change in response to...
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world can survive if an extremely high number of depositors show up for their deposits.The highly dollarized nature of the …
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We examine the hypothesis that the concept of symmetry augmentation is fundamentally linked to learning. Our focus in this study is on the augmentation of symmetry embedded in 1-dimensional time series (1D-TS). Motivated by the duality between 1D-TS and networks, we augment the symmetry by...
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