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proposed a very general axiomatisation of preferences in the presence of ambiguity, viz. Monotonic Bernoullian Archimedean (MBA …
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proposed a very general axiomatisation of preferences in the presence of ambiguity, viz. Monotonic Bernoullian Archimedean (MBA …
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axiomatised preferences in the presence of ambiguity as Monotonic Bernoullian Archimedean (MBA) preferences. We investigate the …
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ultraproduct of the reals with respect to the ultrafilter of decisive coalitions; this construction explicitly determines the …
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ultraproduct of the reals with respect to the ultrafilter of decisive coalitions; this construction explicitly determines the …
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all symmetric equilibria of these voting games. Second, we show that ambiguity may drastically undermine McLennan's (1998 …) results on decision quality: unlike in the absence of ambiguity, the ex ante optimal symmetric strategy profile need not be an …
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We provide an evolutionary foundation to evidence that in some situations humans maintain either optimistic or pessimistic attitudes towards uncertainty and are ignorant to relevant aspects of the environment. Players in strategic games face Knightian uncertainty about opponents' actions and...
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We provide an evolutionary foundation to evidence that in some situations humans maintain optimistic or pessimistic attitudes towards uncertainty and are ignorant to relevant aspects of the environment. Players in strategic games face Knightian uncertainty about opponents' actions and maximize...
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Probabilistic risk beliefs are key drivers of economic and health decisions, but people are not always certain about their beliefs. We study these "imprecise probabilities", also known as ambiguous beliefs. We show that imprecision is measurable separately from the levels of risk beliefs. People...
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impossibility results for free ultrafilters: The domain of an ultraproduct over a free ultrafilter extends the individual factor … preferences that it generalises. This is due to the fact that the typical judgment aggregation problem induces an ultrafilter on …, dictatorship then immediately follows from the principality of an ultrafilter on a finite set. This is not the case for an infinite …
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