Showing 51 - 58 of 58
Consider a lobby group of exhaustible-resource suppliers, which bargains with the government over the extraction of an exhaustible resource and over contribution payments. We characterize the path of contributions and the resulting extraction path, taking into account how the environmental...
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Die Einführung europäischer oder nationaler Geschlechterquoten mit dem Ziel der Chancengleichheit für Frauen wird derzeit heiß diskutiert. In Deutschland ist der Frauenanteil in den Führungspositionen relativ gering und die Lohnlücke zwischen Männern und Frauen relativ groß. In diesem...
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We study the influence of trade exposed producer lobby groups on national climate policies and the formation of a climate coalition if the coalition uses border carbon adjustment (BCA), protecting domestic industries. The countries regulate emissions from commodity production with carbon taxes....
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This paper analyzes international environmental agreements (IEAs) in three-stage games consisting of a membership subgame, the signatories’ choice of partial cooperation, and an emissions subgame. Signatories may act as Stackelberg leaders or play Nash. In the Stackelberg game, full...
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We study the influence of industrial lobbying on national climate policies and the formation of an international environmental agreement if the coalition countries use border carbon adjustments to protect domestic producers. We find that lobbies in the outsider countries favor carbon taxes,...
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This paper compares the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement in the dynamic game of Battaglini and Harstad (2016). The symmetric Nash bargaining solution reflects the Kyoto Protocol, whereas in the Paris Agreement coalition countries maximize a country-specific asymmetric Nash product. In the...
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Dieses Papier beschäftigt sich mit den Auswirkungen der Einführung eines Grundeinkommens auf das Arbeitsangebot. Untersucht werden sowohl das deutsche Wohlfahrtssystem als auch das Steuer- und Sozialabgabensystem. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, dass ein entscheidender Vorteil einer...
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This paper deals with the effects of implementing a basic income on the labor supply side. The German welfare as well as tax and social contributions system are investigated. The results clarify that the abolishment of the so-called unemployment trap due to a basic income policy is a decisive...
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