Showing 81 - 90 of 120
The possibility of statistical evaluation of the market completeness and incompleteness is investigated for continuous time diffusion stock market models. It is known that the market completeness is not a robust property: small random deviations of the coefficients convert a complete market...
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Backward stochastic partial differential equations of parabolic type in bounded domains are studied in the setting where the coercivity condition is not necessary satisfied and the equation can be degenerate. Some generalized solutions based on the representation theorem are suggested. In...
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This paper suggests a method of estimation of the implied volatility smile uncertainty of the observed options prices due to future risk-free rate uncertainty. The purpose is to quantify the range of uncertainty under different scenarios. We consider the setting where both the implied volatility...
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The paper introduces special options such that the holder selects dynamically a continuous time process controlling the distribution of the payments (benefits) over time. For instance, the holder can select dynamically the quantity of a commodity purchased or sold by a fixed price given...
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The optimal investment problem is studied for a continuous time incomplete market model. It is assumed that the risk-free rate, the appreciation rates, and the volatility of the stocks are all random; they are independent from the driving Brownian motion, and they are currently observable. It is...
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This paper considers binomial approximation of continuous time stochastic processes. It is shown that, under some mild integrability conditions, a process can be approximated in mean square sense and in other strong metrics by binomial processes, i.e., by processes with fixed size binary...
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We consider a multi-stock continuous time incomplete market model with random coefficients. We study the investment problem in the class of strategies which do not use direct observations of the appreciation rates of the stocks, but rather use historical stock prices and an a priory given...
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This papers addresses the stock option pricing problem in a continuous time market model where there are two stochastic tradable assets, and one of them is selected as a num\'eraire. It is shown that the presence of arbitrarily small stochastic deviations in the evolution of the num\'eraire...
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