Showing 26,861 - 26,870 of 31,623
We study perception biases arising under second-best perception strategies. An agent correctly observes a parameter that is payoff-relevant in many decision problems that she encounters in her environment but is unable to retain all the information until her decision. A designer of the decision...
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We outline a new voting procedure for representative democracies. This procedure should be used for important decisions only and consists of two voting rounds: a randomly-selected subset of the citizens is awarded a one-time voting right. The parliament also votes, and the two decisions are...
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We investigate how the choice of decision makers can be varied under the presence of risk and uncertainty. Our analysis is based on the approach we have previously applied to individual decision makers, which we now generalize to the case of decision makers that are members of a society. The...
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The idea is advanced that self-organization in complex systems can be treated as decision making (as it is performed by humans) and, vice versa, decision making is nothing but a kind of self-organization in the decision maker nervous systems. A mathematical formulation is suggested based on the...
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Certain classes of system-level risk depend partly on decentralized lay decision making. For instance, an organization's network security risk depends partly on its employees' responses to phishing attacks. On a larger scale, the risk within a financial system depends partly on households'...
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This chapter provides a critical review of behavioral economic approaches to decision-making with a focus on the thinking processes of investors. It discusses the bounded rationality approach to decision-making as compared to the errors and biases approach for better understanding...
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Our comments about the paper by Leeflang and Wittink wInternat. J. Res. Marketing, 17 2000. 105x comprise of two components: first, we address two issues on which we disagree with Leeflang and Wittink: soft versus hard data, and individual-level versus segment-level models. Secondly, we...
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A fiduciary has an ethical obligation to act in the best interests of her client. In this paper, I argue that this obligation demands that a fiduciary advise her client from a behaviorally-informed perspective. However, this obligation creates new moral dilemmas, complicating ex-ante...
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This paper introduces ambiguous transfers to study the (partial) implementation problem. We show that under all profiles of utility functions, any efficient allocation rule is implementable via an individually rational and budget-balanced mechanism with ambiguous transfers, if and only if the...
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