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This paper introduces a sparse and stable optimization approach for a multi-currency asset allocation problem. We study the benefits of joint optimization of assets and currencies as opposed to the standard industry practice of managing currency risk via so-called currency overlay strategies. In...
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The pseudo-isotropic multivariate distributions are shown to satisfy Ross' stochastic dominance criterion for two-fund monetary separation. The classical case of separation under abence of risk-free investment opportunity, admits a few particular generalizations to k-fund separation for...
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We propose a new asset-pricing framework in which all securities' signals are used to predict each individual return. While the literature focuses on each security's own- signal predictability, assuming an equal strength across securities, our framework is flexible and includes...
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Investors have long debated what fraction, if any, of their portfolio's currency exposure they should hedge. Although the answers cover a broad range, often with dubious rationale, most informed investors agree that the solution should be based on mean-variance optimization, deployed either to...
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We introduce the concept of forward rank-dependent performance criteria, extending the original notion to forward criteria that incorporate probability distortions. A fundamental challenge is how to reconcile the time-consistent nature of forward performance criteria with the time-inconsistency...
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We study dynamic optimal portfolio allocation for monotone mean-variance preferences in a general semimartingale model. Armed with new results in this area we revisit the work of Cui, Li, Wang and Zhu (2012, MAFI) and fully characterize the circumstances under which one can set aside a...
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Any robo-advisor needs to decide on a framework to model the preferences of its investors over uncertain outcomes. As of today, most robo-advisors model their investors as mean-variance optimizers. While the mean-variance framework is intuitive and optimal investment strategies have been derived...
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We examine the impact of return predictability and parameter uncertainty on investors' long-term portfolio allocations in the context of disappointment aversion. We find persisting horizon effects, with stocks appearing progressively more attractive at longer horizons as opposed to shorter ones....
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The Black-Litterman (BL) model has been proposed as a valid solution to the problem of the estimation error in the mean-variance (MV) model. However, very little research has been done in order to empirically test the performance of the model. The paper contributes to the existing literature by...
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