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Im Zug der Energiewende sind in den letzten Jahren die Anforderungen an das Stromnetz kontinuierlich gestiegen, insbesondere wird die Optimierung der Nutzung vorhandener Ressourcen durch das sogenannte Engpassmanagement - den Umgang mit Engpässen im Netz - bedeutsamer. Vor diesem Hintergrund...
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Requirements for the electricity network in Germany increased in recent years due to the energy transition. The utilization of existing infrastructure applying so called congestion management becomes more important. Regional pricing might help to set the right incentives for generation...
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[Summary] The dataset for the European electricity system needs a variety of data to cover the relevant characteristics of the industry. The more general data on aggregated generation capacities, historic generation, and consumption can be found with a consistent data specification for most...
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In Deutschland gehen die letzten drei Kernkraftwerke Mitte April endgültig vom Netz. Die Energiekrise infolge des russischen Angriffskriegs in der Ukraine hat allerdings auch hierzulande Forderungen nach dem Bau neuer Kernreaktoren angeheizt. Eine ähnliche Debatte wird im Kontext der...
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In mid-April 2023, the final three nuclear power plants in Germany will be taken offline permanently. At the same time, the energy crisis resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine has fueled calls for the construction of new nuclear reactors in Germany. A similar debate is taking place in...
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Die meisten Klimaszenarien internationaler Organisationen und der Forschung beinhalten einen erheblichen Ausbau der Atomenergie. Beispielsweise steigt die Stromerzeugung aus Atomenergie im Durchschnitt der im Sechsten Sachstandbericht des Weltklimarates (IPCC) erhobenen Szenarien von derzeit...
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Most climate and energy scenarios created by international organizations and researchers include a considerable expansion of nuclear energy. In the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, for example, nuclear energy increases from a current 3,000 terawatt hours on average to over 6,000 terawatt hours in...
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We discuss the implications of two price zones, i.e. one northern and southern bidding area, on the German electricity market. In the northern zone, continuous capacity additions with low variable costs cause large regional supply surpluses in the market dispatch while conventional capacity...
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