Showing 21 - 30 of 294
In 1993 38.9 million people were covered by a 401(k) plan, up from 7.1 million in 1983. The rapid growth of 401(k) and other defined contribution pension plans may alter retirement patterns of older workers. Previous research showed that the spread of defined benefit plans, with sharp...
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A spurious regression occurs when a pair of independent series, but with strong temporal properties, are found apparently to be related according to standard inference in an OLS regression. Although this is well known to occur with pairs of independent unit root processes, this paper finds...
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This paper presents empirical evidence on the existence of structural breaks in the fundamentals process underlying US stock prices. We develop an asset pricing model that represents breaks in the context of a Markov switching process with an expanding set of non-recurring states. Different...
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We study the properties of a quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) for the parameters of a "weak" GARCH process obtained by contemporaneous aggregation of two independent "strong" GARCH processes. The inconsistency of the Gaussian quasi-likelihood estimator (QMLE) has already been reported by Nijman &...
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Production function estimation with micro-data shows that a persistent unobserved variable varies within firm or plant over time but resists treatment and may cause biases. This paper presents an estimation model of the firm under endogenous productivity change. The model implies that (i) the...
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In the U.S. labor maarket, the vacancy-unemployment ratio and unemployment react sluggishly to productivity shocks. We show that the job matching model in its standard form cannot reproduce these patterns due to excessively rapid vacancy responses. Extending the model to incorprate sunk costs...
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Time varying correlations are often estimated with Multivariate Garch models that are linear in squares and cross products of returns. A new class of multivariate models called dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) models is proposed. These have the flexibility of univariate GARCH models coupled...
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Linked employer-employee data for Brazil over a period of large-scale trade liber- alization document two salient workforce changeovers. Within the traded-goods sector, there is a marked occupation downgrading and a simultaneous education upgrading by which employers ¯ll expanding low-skill...
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Brazil's trade liberalization between 1990 and 1993, and its partial re- versal in 1995, are used to study how reduced inward trade barriers affect productivity. The production function of Brazilian manufactur- ers is estimated at the ISIC3 two-digit level under various alternatives, including...
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We explore the notion of "verifiability" by analyzing a simple model of evidence production in contractual relationships with complete information. We characterize implementability in terms of the existence and form of "hard evidence." We provide results on maximal and minimal evidence...
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