Showing 31 - 40 of 1,403
We propose a new family of density function that posses both flexibility and closed form expressions for moments and anti-derivatives, making them particularly appealing for applications. We illustrate its usefulness by applying our new family to obtain density forecasts of U.S. inflation. Our...
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We argue that the current framework for predictive ability testing (e.g., West, 1996) is not necessarily useful for real-time forecast selection, i.e., for assessing which of two competing forecasting methods will perform better in the future. We propose an alternative framework for...
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Many economic and econometric applications require the integration of functions lacking a closed form antiderivative, which is therefore a task that can only be solved by numerical methods. We propose a new family of probability densities that can be used as substitutes and have the property of...
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The bootstrap is an increasingly popular method for performing statistical inference. This paper provides the theoretical foundation for using the bootstrap as a valid tool of inference for quasi-maximum likelihood estimators (QMLE). We provide a unified framework for analyzing bootstrapped...
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This paper presents empirical evidence on the existence of structural breaks in the fundamentals process underlying US stock prices. We develop an asset pricing model that represents breaks in the context of a Markov switching process with an expanding set of non-recurring states. Different...
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This paper investigates the process determining mutual funds' conditional probability of closure, i.e. their hazard function. Using a nonparametric approach to estimate the effects of a fund's age on its hazard rate, we find a distinctly nonlinear, inverse U-shaped pattern in the relationship....
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Recent evidence suggests that many economic time series are subject to structural breaks. In the presence of breaks, including historical data prior to the most recent break to estimate a forecasting model will lead to prediction errors that are biased but also may have a smaller variance. This...
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Existing results on the properties and performance of forecast combinations have been derived in the context of mean squared error loss. Under this loss function empirical studies have generally found that estimates of optimal forecast combination weights lead to higher losses than...
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This study examines evidence of structural breaks in models of predictable components in stock returns related to state variables such as the lagged dividend yield, Treasury bill rate, term spread and default premium. We examine a large set of size-and-industry-sorted profolios of US stocks as...
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In this paper we utilize White's Reality Check bootstrap methodology (White (1997)) to evaluate simple technical trading rules while quantifying the data-snooping bias and fully adjusting for its effect in the context of the full universe from which the trading rules were drawn. Hence, for the...
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