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This paper analyses the evolution and policy drivers of the productivity of farmers' human capital in EU agriculture from 1986 to 2010. The empirical analysis employs farm data sourced from the Farm Accountancy Data Network Standard Results as well as Eurostat's information on farm holders'...
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Mirroring the railroad industry of the 1940's and 1950's, the trucking industry today appears to be achieving impressive productivity gains. But it is easy to confuse true productivity advances in transportation industries with changes in ton-miles per unit of input that are due simply to...
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We provide an axiomatic foundation for efficiency measurement in the full space, referred to as "graph efficiency …
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It is well known that, in continuous time, the Cobb-Douglas function can be derived from the underlying, data governing, accounting identity under some reasonable assumptions (factor shares are constant, and the weighted growth of the labour input price and the capital input price is constant)....
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The conventional estimate of technological progress and aggregate productivity growth, the total factor productivity, or TFP, can be upwardly biased if environmental externalities generated during the production processes are not accounted for. In this paper, we revisit TFP growth rates across...
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Shephard’s distance functions are widely used instruments for characterizing technology and for estimating efficiency …
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index also provides a meaningful way to decompose environmental productivity into environmental technological and efficiency …
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it is found that within 1984-2008 periods, 2007 is the only efficient observation. Efficiency performance from mid 80s to … mid 90s is very poor but after 2003 there has been improvement in efficiency performance but the longevity of this trend …
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In the neoclassical production functions model technical change (TC) is assumed to be exogenous and it is specified as a function of time. However, some exogenous external factors other than time can also affect the rate of TC. In this paper we model TC via a combination of time trend (purely...
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We compare the productivity performances of 15 matched manufacturing sectors in Korea and Taiwan, using the Malmquist productivity indexes, based on category-wise meta frontiers, 1978-1996. Comparisons at the sector levels are made using sequential multiplicative products of the indexes. The...
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