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This paper studies the relationship between the amount of public information that stock market prices incorporate and the equilibrium behavior of market participants. The analysis is framed in a static, NREE setup where traders exchange vectors of assets accessing multidimensional information...
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I study the effects of the heterogeneity of traders' horizon in the context of a 2-period NREE model where all traders are risk averse. Owing to inventory effects, myopic trading behavior generates multiplicity of equilibria. In particular, two distinct patterns arise. Along the first...
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This paper shows that information effects per se are not responsible for the Giffen goods anomaly affecting competitive traders’ demands in multi- asset, noisy rational expectations equilibrium models. The role that information plays in traders’ strategies also matters. In a market with risk...
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I analyze a static, noisy rational expectations equilibrium model where traders exchange vectors of assets accessing multi-dimensional information under two alternative market structures. In the first (the unrestricted system), informed speculators condition their demands for each asset on all...
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This paper shows that information effects per se are not responsible for the Gi®en goods anomaly affecting competitive traders' demands in multi-asset, noisy rational expectations equilibrium models. The role that information plays in traders' strategies also matters. In a market with risk...
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We investigate and test hypotheses on how informed trading varies with market-wide factors and the structural and trading characteristics of a firm. We find strong evidence of commonality in informed trading, and a systematic dependence of informed trading on firm characteristics that is largely...
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This paper examines unique data on dark pool activity for a large cross-section of US stocks in 2009. Dark pool activity is concentrated in liquid stocks. Nasdaq (AMEX) stocks have significantly higher (lower) dark pool activity than NYSE stocks controlling for liquidity. For a given stock, dark...
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Abstract I demonstrate an important tension between acquiring information and incorporating it into asset prices. As a salient case, I analyze the rise of algorithmic trading (AT), which is typically associated with improved price efficiency. Using a new measure of the information content of...
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We use a comprehensive panel of NYSE order book data to show that the liquidity and quoting efficiency improvements associated with algorithmic trading (AT) are attributable to enhanced monitoring by liquidity providers. We find that variation in liquidity provider monitoring uniquely explains...
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We investigate and test hypotheses on how informed trading varies with market-wide factors and the structural and trading characteristics of a firm. We find strong evidence of commonality in informed trading, and a systematic dependence of informed trading on firm characteristics that is largely...
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