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This paper evaluates the systemic impact of climate variations in a regional perspective using an interregional CGE model integrated with a physical model estimated for agriculture in order to catch the effects of climate change. The climate anomalies are estimated for 2005 and represent...
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In this paper we present the interisland input-output system for the Azores. It includes the economy of the nine islands of the archipelago, considering 25 different economic activities. The paper also analyses the impacts of the main drivers of the islands economy incorporating both spillover...
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In this paper we look at the interplay of technology and social preferences in different stages of economic development. We use a set of input-output tables for 32 different countries, published by OECD. The tables refer to the period 1996-2001 and were consolidated in 48 sectors so that...
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This study estimates elasticities of regional trade in Brazil considering 110 products and 558 regions. For this, a large database was generated, becoming one of the most important stages in the trajectory of the study given the highly intensive procedures performed to obtain the final...
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The objective of this paper is to evaluate the long-run regional impacts of tariff policy of the Brazilian electric power sector. The structural reforms carried on this sector determined the emergence of two different spatial distribution trends of the electric power tariffs among the Brazilian...
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This paper advances on the analysis of the structural interdependence among Colombiandepartments. The results show that Bogotá has a large influence in the other regionaleconomies through its purchasing power. Additionally, it can be observed a centerperipherypattern in the spatial...
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This paper advances on the analysis of the structural interdependence among Colombian departments. The results show that Bogotá has a large influence in the other regional economies through its purchasing power. Additionally, it can be observed a centerperiphery pattern in the spatial...
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This article attempts to elucidate one of the mechanisms that link trade barriers, in the form of port costs, and subsequent growth and regional inequality. Prior attention has focused on inland or link costs, but port costs can be considered as a further barrier to enhancing trade...
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