Showing 16,121 - 16,130 of 16,195
We consider the design of an optimal auction in which the seller can determine the allocation and the disclosure rule of the mechanism. Thus, in contrast to the standard analysis of a optimal auctions, the seller can explicitly design the disclosure of the information received by each bidder as...
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We analyze the welfare consequences of a monopolist having additional information about consumers' tastes, beyond the prior distribution; the additional information can be used to charge different prices to different segments of the market, i.e., carry out "third degree price discrimination." We...
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We analyze a class of games with interdependent values and linear best responses. The payoff uncertainty is described by a multivariate normal distribution that includes the pure common and pure private value environment as special cases. We characterize the set of joint distributions over...
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We consider a transaction costs model of sovereign debt buybacks in this paper. We show that both secret and publicly known buybacks are profitable for the debtor country. Furthermore, the government of the debtor country would like to spend all of its initial endowment to buy back its debt as...
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Mészáros József A társadalombiztosítási nyugdíjrendszerek mint közjószágok című, Közgazdasági Szemlében megjelent cikkének második részében állításokat fogalmaz meg a nyugdíjrendszerre (részben a politikai rendszerre) vonatkozóan. Ezeket az állításokat arra a fogalmi...
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Cikkünkben fel szeretnénk hívni a figyelmet arra, hogy a felsőoktatás intézményi kereteire vonatkozó döntések nagyban befolyásolják a benne résztvevők cselekvési lehetőségeit, illetve motivációit. Bemutatjuk a Mas-Colell [2003] által definiált oktatá si és kutatási...
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We study nonlinear income taxation in a Roy model in which agents’ productivity is sectorspecific. We show that when income taxes can be sector-specific, the Diamond-Mirrlees theorem (according to which the second-best displays production efficiency) fails: social welfare (be it Rawlsian or...
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We investigate the formation of global climate agreements (= stable grand climate coalitions) in a model, in which climate policy takes the form of carbon emission taxation and fossil fuel and consumption goods are traded on world markets. We expand the model of Eichner and Pethig (2014) by...
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We study first- and second-price private value auctions with sequential bidding where second movers may discover the first movers bids. There is a unique equilibrium in the first-price auction and multiple equilibria in the second-price auction. Consequently, comparative statics across price...
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We study Nash implementation by natural price-quantity mechanisms in pure exchange economies with free-disposal (Saijo et al., 1996, 1999) where agents have weak/strong intrinsic preferences for honesty (Dutta and Sen, 2012). Firstly, the Walrasian rule is shown to be non-implementable where all...
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