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I study the effect of timing of negotiation on the resolution of the hold-up problem. I show that the investor can invest optimally, if the non-investor can commit to initiate negotiation in a specific time period. This way I demonstrate that contracting parties can use negotiation timing...
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We explore the efficiency and distributive implications (theoretically and experimentally) of a multilateral bargaining … model with endogenous production of the surplus under two different timings: ex ante and ex post bargaining. Both timings … economic tenet: in ex post bargaining, effort is considered sunk and opportunistic bargaining behavior will dissuade players …
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In this paper we want to analyze the internal divisional structure within an organi-
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two sources: the traders discount future payoffs and there are transaction costs of bargaining. Equilibrium behavior … relative bargaining costs. This contrasts with the pure discounting model where termination never occurs, and the pure …
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the per capita surplus over the wage. The privatization process is then described as a bargaining process between the …
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The application of Nash bargaining solution to profit division in negotiation between opencast lignite mine and power …
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maximizing the per capita surplus over the wage. The privatization process is then described as a bargaining process between the …
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assumption that bargaining over gains from trade is modelled strategically, rather than axiomatically. With strategic bargaining …
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the seller’s relative bargaining power and bargaining share. This in turn fosters the seller’s incentives to invest even …
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dramatically affect the way in which an increase in workers' bargaining power affects (under)investment. Without loss of generality … takeovers, the higher workers' bargaining power, the higher their wage flexibility and effort and the firm's capacity to invest …' effort and wage flexibility are restricted and decrease with the workers' initial bargaining power. Various takeover defence …
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