Showing 151 - 160 of 186
This paper presents a long-run analysis of industrial growth and structural change in Brazil, from the coffee export economy in the nineteenth century to the present day. We focus on Brazil’s high economic growth in most of the twentieth century and the disruption caused by the collapse of...
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This paper studies the incentives for fiscal adjustment for a debtor government under the risk of defaulting on its external debt. An externality arises from the bargaining process that follows default: higher tax revenues levied by the debtor lead to higher repayment to the creditor, and thus...
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Currently, the Brazilian Legal Amazon (BLA) represents the agricultural frontier of Brazil and concentrates the deforestation processes. A recurrent discussion involves what to do to reduce the deforestation process. A compensation to no-deforestation is a way to this, but involves an...
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O artigo analisa a evolução, estratégia e posição das subsidiárias da American & Foreign Power (AMFORP) na Argentina e no Brazil desde sua chegada nesses mercados em meados da década de 1920, até sua nacionalização. São comparadas as performances e estratégias de entrada nos países,...
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Some historians argue that the history of economic thought (HET) is useful and important to economists and that historians should remain in economics departments. Others believe that historians’ initiatives toward economists are doomed in advance to failure and that they should instead ally...
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One issue that affects the economic and social development of a country is the ability of the judiciary to present itself as a legitimate instance in resolving conflicts that arise in the social, business and economic development. One way to measure this is through legitimacy of the motivations...
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This study estimates elasticities of regional trade in Brazil considering 110 products and 558 regions. For this, a large database was generated, becoming one of the most important stages in the trajectory of the study given the highly intensive procedures performed to obtain the final...
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Present-day macroeconomics has sometimes been dubbed ‘the new neoclassical synthesis’, suggesting that it constitutes a reincarnation of the neoclassical synthesis of the 1950s. This paper assesses this understanding. To this end, we examine the contents of the ‘old’ and the ‘new’...
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We prove a “General Manipulability Theorem” for general one-to-one two-sided matching markets with money. This theorem implies two folk theorems, the Manipulability Theorem and the General Impossibility Theorem, and provides a sort of converse of the Non-Manipulability Theorem (Demange,...
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A dynamic game where agents "behave cooperatively" is postulated: At each stage, current nontrading agents can trade and the payoffs from transactions done are maintained in the subsequent stages. The game ends when no interaction is able to benefit the agents involved (case in which a core...
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