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properties that result from mass heterogeneity, by calculating the diffusion coefficient, velocity autocorrelation function, non … proposed universal scaling law for atomic diffusion in condensed matter (Nature 381 (1996) 137). …
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We investigate here the effect of temperature on the diffusion of water and cations in the Wyoming-type montmorillonite … interlayer ions and water molecules under a temperature range between 260 and 400 K. The diffusion coefficient of water and … cations in different hydrated clays increases with temperature. The influence of temperature on the diffusion of water is much …
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Abstract Spatial point processes are mathematical models for irregular or random point patterns in the d -dimensional space, where usually d  = 2 or d  = 3 in applications. The second-order product density and its isotropic analogue, the pair correlation function, are important tools for...
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From the diagrammatic analysis, it is proved that the spin-parallel part of the static structure factor of an electron liquid, S↑↑(q), has the following exact asymptotic form for q⪢pf: S↑↑(q)−1=4(αrs/π)(pf/q)6d2g↑↑(r)/d(pfr)2|pfr=0+⋯, α=(4/9π)1/3, where pf is the Fermi wave...
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Methods for deriving partial pair correlation functions for liquid water are considered. It is argued that the one based on Reverse Monte Carlo modeling [Phys. Rev. B 60 (1999) 11851] is more suitable for the purpose than direct separation (of which the latter is based on the inversion of the...
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The pair correlation function g2(r) provides a basic geometric descriptor for many-particle systems. It must obey two necessary conditions: (i) non-negativity for all distances r, and (ii) non-negativity of its associated structure factor S(k) for all k. Here we utilize an improved stochastic...
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The ring approximation has been used in the kinetic theory of hard sphere fluids to investigate non-equilibrium phenomena depending on dynamic correlations, not included in the Boltzmann or Enskog equations. We show that when applied to equilibrium the ring approximation reproduces correctly the...
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scales, the effects of hydrodynamic interactions on single and multi-particle diffusion are taken into account. …
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A relatively simple, automated system for the rapid, efficient and safe routine production of 99Tc(m)O4 from 99Mo03 by the metyl ethyl ketone (MEK) extraction technique is described. The 4 phases of the extraction process (bubbling of air, phase separation, drawing off of 99Tc(m) in MEK, and...
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