Showing 111 - 120 of 313
We study the influence of altruistic behavior in a prey–predator model permitting the preys to commit suicide by confronting the predators instead of escaping. Surprising, altruistic behavior at microscopic (local) scale, leads to the emergence of new complex macroscopic (global) phenomena...
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We examine the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), which is a well-established method for the detection of long-range correlations in time series. We show that deviations from scaling which appear at small time scales become stronger in higher orders of DFA, and suggest a modified DFA method...
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We study the effects of Parkinson's disease (PD) on the long-term fluctuation and phase synchronization properties of gait timing (series of interstride intervals) as well as gait force profiles (series characterizing the morphological changes between the steps). We find that the fluctuations in...
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We generate optimal paths between two given sites on a lattice representing a disordered energy landscape by applying the Dijkstra algorithm. We study the geometrical and energetic scaling properties of the optimal path under two different energy distributions that yield the weak and strong...
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We study the motion of elastic networks driven over a random substrate. Our model which includes local friction forces leads to complex dynamical behavior. We find a transition to a sliding state which belongs to a new universality class. The phase diagram comprises of a pinned state, a...
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We study phase synchronization between atmospheric variables such as daily mean temperature and daily precipitation records. We find significant phase synchronization between records of Oxford and Vienna as well as between the records of precipitation and temperature in each city. To find the...
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We examine several recently suggested methods for the detection of long-range correlations in data series based on similar ideas as the well-established Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA). In particular, we present a detailed comparison between the regular DFA and two recently suggested...
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The origin of the multifractal features which appear in several random systems is discussed. It is shown that for random fractals the multifractal features in the probability density of the diffusion can be derived rigorously, and therefore its origin can be fully understood. For the growth...
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We study the multifractal temporal scaling properties of river discharge and precipitation records. We compare the results for the multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis method with the results for the wavelet-transform modulus maxima technique and obtain agreement within the error margins....
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The persistence of the weather is a well-known phenomenon. If, for example, one day is sunny and warm, there is a high tendency that the next day remains similar. In this paper, we review recent results showing that the long-term persistence, characterized by the correlation C(s) of temperature...
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