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This paper deals with designing a sliding mode controller (SMC) for a fractional-order chaotic financial system. Using the sliding mode control technique, a sliding surface is determined. The sliding mode control law is derived to make the states of the fractional-order financial system...
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In this paper, based on the idea of nonlinear observer and stability theory of fractional-order systems, a new systematic scheme to synchronize a class of fractional-order chaotic systems via a scalar transmitted signal is developed. The approach is simple, global and theoretically rigorous. It...
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This letter addresses a robust adaptive control for the synchronization method based on a modified polynomial observer (slave system) which tends to follow exponentially the chaotic Colpitts circuits brought back to a topology of the Chua oscillator (master system) with perturbations. The...
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In this paper, we propose a controller based on active sliding mode theory to synchronize chaotic fractional-order systems in master–slave structure. Master and slave systems may be identical or different. Based on stability theorems in the fractional calculus, analysis of stability is...
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We study the synchronization of time-delayed nonidentical maps subject to unidirectional (master–slave) coupling. The individual dynamics of the maps have a delay n1, and the coupling acts with a delay n2. We show analytically that, suitably tuning the slave map parameters, two distinct...
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Recently, it has been demonstrated that many large-scale complex dynamical networks display a collective synchronization motion. Here, we introduce a time-varying complex dynamical network model and further investigate its synchronization phenomenon. Based on this new complex network model, two...
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We study the synchronization of two chaotic maps with unidirectional (master–slave) coupling. Both maps have an intrinsic delay n1, and coupling acts with a delay n2. Depending on the sign of the difference n1−n2, the slave map can synchronize to a future or a past state of the master...
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This paper presents fuzzy model-based design for control and synchronization of chaotic systems. In this framework, the chaotic systems are exactly reproduced based on a Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy model. Then the fuzzy controllers for control and synchronization are designed using the...
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The main purpose of this paper is to state some sufficient conditions for global synchronization of chaotic maps. The synchronization is viewed as a state reconstruction problem which is tackled by polytopic observers. Unlike most standard observers, polytopic observers can account for a special...
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This paper addresses the problem of chaos synchronization from a control theoretic point of view. The main idea is to construct an augmented dynamical system from the synchronization error system, which is itself uncertain. A new dynamic output feedback is applied to perform synchronization in...
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