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This paper studies the statistical properties of the web of import-export relationships among world countries using a weighted-network approach. We analyze how the distributions of the most important network statistics measuring connectivity, assortativity, clustering and centrality have...
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diffusion-like processes in econophysics such as stock market fluctuations, where jumps represent financial market …
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Ormerod and Mounfield (Physica A 293 (2001) 573) analyse GDP data of 17 leading capitalist economies from 1870 to 1994 and conclude that the frequency of the duration of recessions is consistent with a power law. But in fact the data is consistent with an exponential (Boltzmann–Gibbs) law.
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The generalized Lotka–Voltera (GLV) formalism has been introduced in order to explain the power law distributions in the individual wealth (wi(t)) (Pareto law) and financial markets returns (fluctuations) (r) as a result of the auto-catalytic (multiplicative random) character of the individual...
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paper, we make the linkage between the use of big data and Econophysics, a research field which uses a large amount of data … frameworks to analyze complex phenomena that could be studied using Econophysics and resorting to big data. …
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Statistical equilibrium denotes the distribution of wealth that can be achieved in the largest number of ways while satisfying a first moment constraint on the rate of growth in wealth portfolios. Maximizing entropy subject to a logarithmic constraint yields a power law distribution whose...
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tatistical equilibrium denotes the distribution of wealth that can be achieved in the largest number of ways while satisfying a first moment constraint on the rate of growth in wealth portfolios. Maximizing entropy subject to a logarithmic constraint yields a power law distribution whose...
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In this paper, we study the long-run wealth distribution of agents with different trading strategies in the framework of the Genoa Artificial Stock Market.The Genoa market is an agent-based simulated market able to reproduce the main stylised facts observed in financial markets, i.e., fat-tailed...
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