Showing 1 - 10 of 206
Nonequilibrium phase transitions between an active and an absorbing state are found in models of populations, epidemics, autocatalysis, and chemical reactions on a surface. While absorbing-state phase transitions fall generically in the directed-percolation universality class, this does not...
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Using field-theoretical methods and exploiting conformal invariance, we study Casimir forces at tricritical points exerted by long-range fluctuations of the order-parameter field. Special attention is paid to the situation where the symmetry is broken by the boundary conditions (extraordinary...
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We study the small-world network model, which mimics the transition between regular-lattice and random-lattice behavior in social networks of increasing size. We contend that the model displays a normal continuous phase transition with a divergent correlation length as the degree of randomness...
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We calculate the probability distribution of repetitions of ancestors in a genealogical tree for simple neutral models of a closed population with sexual reproduction and non-overlapping generations. Each ancestor at generation g in the past has a weight w which is (up to a normalization) the...
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The critical behaviour of thin films containing quenched random impurities and inhomogeneities is investigated by the renormalization-group method to the one-loop order within the framework of the n-component φ4-model. The finite-size crossover in impure films has been considered on the basis...
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By using an exact functional formalism we characterize general stationary properties of linear memory-like Langevin equations, including the case of delay equations driven by arbitrary noises. Spectral properties and stationary distributions are analyzed in detail.
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We introduce and study an analytic model for physical systems exhibiting growth-collapse and decay-surge evolutionary patterns. We consider a generic system undergoing a smooth deterministic growth/decay evolution, which is occasionally interrupted by abrupt stochastic collapse/surge...
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Non-Markovian effects on the Brownian movement of a free particle in the presence as well as in the absence of inertial force are investigated under the framework of generalized Fokker–Planck equations (Rayleigh and Smoluchowski equations). More specifically, it is predicted that non-Markovian...
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We study the long time asymptotics of probability density functions (pdfs) of Lévy flights in confining potentials that originate from inhomogeneities of the environment in which the flights take place. To this end we employ two model patterns of dynamical behavior: Langevin-driven and...
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We present the results of experimental study of an intensive source of wide-band 1/f noise whose generation appears in a system of two interacting nonequilibrium phase transitions. Such a process has been realized in the region of superposition of a superconductor–normal conductor phase...
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