Showing 1 - 10 of 111
The mixed spin-2 and spin-52 Blume–Emery–Griffiths (BEG) Ising ferrimagnetic system is studied on the Bethe lattice using the exact recursion equations with the coordination number q=3 corresponding to the honeycomb lattice on real lattices. The influences of the crystal field and the...
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Effect of uniaxial single-ion anisotropy upon magnetic properties of a mixed spin-1/2 and spin-S (S⩾1) Ising model on a bathroom tile (4–8) lattice is examined within the framework of an exact star-triangle mapping transformation. Particular attention is focused on the phase diagrams...
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We consider a system consisting of two layers of Bethe lattices each with a branching ratio of q Ising spins. The layer with spin- 1/2 atoms interacting with the nearest-neighbor (NN) bilinear interaction J1 is laid over the top of the other with spin-1 atoms interacting with the bilinear NN...
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We present the numbers of dimer–monomers Md(n) on the Sierpinski gasket SGd(n) at stage n with dimension d equal to two, three and four. The upper and lower bounds for the asymptotic growth constant, defined as zSGd=limv→∞lnMd(n)/v where v is the number of vertices on SGd(n), are derived...
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We present the numbers of ice model configurations (with Boltzmann factors equal to one) I(n) on the two-dimensional Sierpinski gasket SG(n) at stage n. The upper and lower bounds for the entropy per site, defined as limv→∞lnI(n)/v, where v is the number of vertices on SG(n), are derived in...
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The stationary states of the kinetic spin-1 Blume–Capel (BC) model on the Bethe lattice are analyzed in detail in terms of recursion relations. The model is described using a Glauber-type stochastic dynamics in the presence of a time-dependent oscillating external magnetic field (h) and...
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The approach developed by Thompson for the Ising model is used to calculate the free energy of the Potts model on the Bethe lattice. This is accomplished by introducing a simplification in obtaining the recursion relationship for the local magnetization and a generalization of the hyperbolic...
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The possibility of a diffuse interface of an Ising model on a Cayley tree with four nearest neighbors is illustrated using the unstable solution of the one-phase problem. The pinning of the domain wall is caused by a weakening influence from this solution in favor of the bulk one.
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We analyze the spectra of eigenvalues for random graphs with a local tree-like structure. The exact equations to the spectra of networks with a local tree-like structure are presented. We propose a simple approximation, and in the framework of effective medium approximation, calculate spectra of...
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The Ising model for the spin-(1,12,1) sandwiched trilayer Bethe lattices is investigated in terms of the recursion relations with either ferromagnetic (FM) or antiferromagnetic (AFM) type of bilinear interactions between the nearest-neighbor (NN) spins. In addition to the ground-state (GS) phase...
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