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We empirically study the activity pattern of individual blog-posting and observe the interevent time distributions …
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Human comment is studied using data from ‘tianya’ which is one of the most popular on-line social systems in China. We found that the time interval between two consecutive comments on the same topic, called inter-event time, follows a power-law distribution. This result shows that there is...
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Recently, extensive empirical evidence shows that the timing of human behaviors obeys non-Possion statistics with heavy-tailed interevent time distribution. In this paper, we empirically study the correspondence pattern of a great Chinese scientist, named Hsue-Shen Tsien. Both the interevent...
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In recent years, the study of power-law scaling characteristics of real-life networks has attracted much interest from scholars; it deviates from the Poisson process. In this paper, we take the whole process of aerial inbound operation in a logistics company as the empirical object. The main aim...
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As a major part of the daily operation in an enterprise, purchasing frequency is in constant change. Recent approaches on the human dynamics can provide some new insights into the economic behavior of companies in the supply chain. This paper captures the attributes of creation times of purchase...
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activity and popularity, and find that the distributions of both of them follow a stretched exponential form which interpolates … of user activity the fat tail becomes more and more irregular, indicating different behavior patterns for users with …
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This paper has its roots in a presentation made at CoreNet Global Summit in November 2002 in San Diego, California. In that talk, the authors briefly explained the field of human dynamics and change, and explored, through some actual experiences, the application of change management practices...
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Mankind currently is not only facing a major environmental challenge, it is embarking on a hugely risky enterprise — that of climate mitigation. This unprecedented global adventure is an attempt to change the nature and shape of human society on the grounds that our traditional market system...
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Before launching a real viral marketing campaign, it is needed to design a spreading scheme by simulations. Based on a categorization of spreading patterns in real world and models, we point out that the existing research (especially Yang et al. (2010) Ref.  [16]) implicitly assume that if a...
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