Showing 21 - 30 of 215
In this paper I address the question to what extent wages are affected by product market uncertainty. Implicit contract models imply that it is Pareto optimal for risk neutral firms to provide insurance to risk averse workers against shocks. Using matched employer-employee dataset, I adopted the...
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According to various studies, sovereign bond spreads often deviate from any "sensible" perception of default risk. It is usually attributed to behavioral effects (overreaction) or illiquidity. The former explanation imposes some irrationality or bounded rationality on investors; while the latter...
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A large share of workers receives bonus payments besides their base wage. The benefits of flexible wage components in remuneration are twofold: they can incentivize workers and make it easier to adjust wages downward in response to negative shocks. Using data on bonus payments of Hungarian...
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In November 2005, the Hungarian government frontloaded the unemployment benefit path, while kept constant the total benefit amount that could be collected over the unemployment spell. We estimate the effect of this reform on non-employment duration using an interrupted time series design. We...
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Ebben a tanulmányban a számunkra elérhető legfrissebb, 2021. májusi járulékfizetési adatok alapján következtettünk a 2022. évi minimálbér-emelés várható hatásaira. Az adatok alapján úgy sejtjük, hogy a minimálbér-emelés főként a kisvállalatokat és a szakképzettséget...
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There is significant heterogeneity in actual skill use within occupations even though occupations are differentiated by the tasks workers should perform during work. Using data on 12 countries which are available both in the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies survey...
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We use the Labor Force Survey and the monthly Revenue Statistics of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office to investigate the short term economic impacts of the CoVid pandemic during its 1st wave. The microdata allow us to investigate the economic crisis beyond the aggregate statistics. The...
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Since 2006, the law has changed in a way that the expected wage of the employers has to be at least the double of the minimum wage. The employers who pay less than this amount to their employees are more likely to be audited by the tax authority. According to my hypothesis this change has...
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