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In this article we show that when the provision of paternalistic goods is entwined with income distribution, the political decision process may prevent welfare maximization. We model the decision process from a political economy perspective by assuming that the quantity of a paternalistic good...
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The organisation of inpatient care provision has undergone significant reform in many southern European countries. Overall across Europe, public management is moving towards the introduction of more flexibility and autonomy . In this setting, the promotion of the further decentralisation of...
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This paper evaluates the causal negative effect of environmental tobacco exposure on health by exploiting the time and geographical variation in public-place smoking bans implemented in Switzerland between 2007 and 2011. Using monthly data from the universe of Swiss hospitals between 2004 and...
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The issues of patients’ interregional mobility and «health fashions» are, somehow, exemplary cases: they show that it is not possible tackling correctly financial issues (such as the financing of local public services or their standard cost) provided by the Enabling Act on Fiscal Federalism...
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This paper aims at assessing the impact of fiscal discipline towards sub-national governments on citizens’ well-being. We model fiscal discipline by considering the expectations of deficit bailouts by Central Government, and focus on a particular dimension of well-being, namely health outcomes...
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In recent years, decentralization of financial and political power has been perceived as a useful means to improve outcomes of the health care sector. Such reforms are often a result of fashion, rather than being based on knowledge of “what works”. If decentralization is the favored strategy...
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Il presente rapporto analizza l'impatto del DL 15/04/2002 n. 63 del Governo Italiano ("Misure per il contenimento della spesa farmaceutica"), con particolare riferimento agli effetti indotti da tali misure sulle decisioni di investimento delle imprese, sulla struttura dell'industria di...
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L'Italia sta affrontando la riforma federalista della sanità in maniera inadeguata. Il trasferimento delle responsabilità economico-finanziarie dallo Stato alle Regioni sta avvenendo all'interno di una cornice normativa incompleta e su più punti internamente incoerente. Le difficoltà...
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I farmaci innovativi ad alto costo ci fanno toccare con mano quali potranno essere i dilemmi della sanità futura se non si completano le riforme della governance di questo capitolo complesso della spesa pubblica (non solo federalismo, ma sistemi contabili e di reporting, schemi di...
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SaniMod-Reg 2012-2030 unisce quattro lavori importanti per il dibattito di policy. Quattro aspetti che per la prima volta si ritrovano affrontati assieme e correlati: 1) Il benchmarking tra Sistemi Sanitari Regionali ("Ssr") e l'individuazione degli standard nei profili di spesa pro-capite per...
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