Showing 61 - 70 of 6,629
Apart from the well-known, high persistence of daily financial volatility data, there is also a short correlation structure that reverts to the mean in less than a month. We find this short correlation time scale in six different daily financial time series and use it to improve the short-term...
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We propose to combine recent developments in univariate and multivariate unit root testing in order to construct a more powerful panel unit root test. We extend the GLS-detrending procedure of Elliott, Rothenberg and Stock (1996) to a panel Augmented Dickey-Fuller test. The finite sample power...
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We construct a structural econometric model to measure partially the economic effects of political movements in China.
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In this paper, we develop the modified maximum likelihood (MML) estimators for the multiple regression coefficients in linear model with the underlying distribution assumed to be symmetric, one of Student's t family. We obtain the closed form of the estimators and derive their asymptotic...
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This paper illustrates the usefulness of resampling based methods in the context of multiple (simultaneous) tests, with emphasis on econometric applications. Economic theory often suggests joint (or simultaneous) hypotheses on econometric models; consequently, the problem of evaluating joint...
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This paper develops a wavelet (spectral) approach to test the presence of a unit root in a stochastic process. The wavelet approach is appealing, since it is based directly on the different behavior of the spectra of a unit root process and that of a short memory stationary process. By...
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The seminal analysis of Enders and Granger (1998) is extended to examine the properties of asymmetric unit root tests when the nature of the actual asymmetric adjustment process underlying the observed data is unknown. The analysis is further extended by considering joint testing for asymmetric...
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The finite-sample properties of threshold autoregressive cointegration tests are examined in the presence of structural changes in cointegrating relationships. It is shown that spurious asymmetric cointegration may be exhibited when there is a change in the degree of cointegration between two...
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In moments of distress downside risk measures like Lower Partial Moments (LPM) are more appropriate than the standard variance to characterize risk. The goal of this paper is to study how to compare portfolios in these situations. In order to do that we show the close connection between...
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