Showing 11 - 20 of 744
We establish estimation methods to determine co-jumps in multivariate high-frequency data with nonsynchronous observations and market microstructure noise. The ex-post quadratic covariation of the signal part, which is modeled by an Itˆo-semimartingale, is estimated with a locally adaptive...
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This paper proposes a new econometric approach to disentangle two distinct response patterns of the yield curve to monetary policy announcements. Based on cojumps in intraday tick-data of a short and long term interest rate, we develop a day-wise test that detects the occurrence of a significant...
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This paper proposes a new econometric approach to disentangle two distinct response patterns of the yield curve to monetary policy announcements. Based on cojumps in intraday tick-data of a short and long term interest rate, we develop a day-wise test that detects the occurrence of a significant...
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This paper extends the discussion of international comovements of actual inflation rates to inflation expectations. Financial market expectations about inflation rates in the United States (US) and Euro Area (EA) are modeled in a structural vector autoregression (SVAR). We demonstrate how the...
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This paper develops a two-step inference procedure to test for a local one-for-one relation of contemporaneous jumps in high-frequency financial data corrupted by market microstructure noise. The first step develops a new bivariate Lee-Mykland jump test for pre-averaged, intra-day returns. If a...
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An extensive empirical literature documents a generally negative relation, named the leverage effect, between asset returns and changes of volatility. It is more challenging to establish such a return-volatility relationship for jumps in high-frequency data. We propose new nonparametric methods...
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We study the rank of the instantaneous or spot covariance matrix ΣX(t) of a multidimensional continuous semi-martingale X(t). Given highfrequency observations X(i/n), i = 0,...,n, we test the null hypothesis rank (ΣX(t)) = r for all t against local alternatives where the average (r + 1)st...
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This paper develops high-frequency econometric methods to test for jumps in the spread of bond yields. We derive a coherent inference procedure that detects a jump in the yield spread only if at least one of the two underlying bonds displays a jump. We formalize the test as a sequential...
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We introduce a statistical test for simultaneous jumps in the price of a financial asset and its volatility process. The proposed test is based on high-frequency tick-data and is robust to market microstructure frictions. To localize volatility jumps, we design and analyze a nonparametric...
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We quantify spillovers of inflation expectations between the United States (US) and Euro Area (EA) based on break-even inflation (BEI) rates. In contrast to previous studies, we model US and EA BEI rates jointly in a structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) model. The SVAR approach allows to...
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