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Alguns economistas culpam os excessivos custos do trabalho pela falta de crescimento dos empregos produtivos nos países de baixa renda. Por exemplo, um artigo de 2005 do Banco Mundial, intitulado ?Jobs in Kenia: Concept Note? (Empregos no Quênia: Notas Conceituais) dá primordial ênfase à...
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This IPC Country Study by Robert Pollin and James Heintz examines three policy areas related to monetary policies in Kenya: inflation dynamics and the relationship between inflation and long-run growth; monetary policy targets and instruments; and exchange rate dynamics and the country?s...
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The U.S. economy faces enormous questions and challenges as it attempts to recover from the collapse of 2008-09. Some of the most pressing questions are a series of longer-term, structural challenges: Can we establish a growth engine driven by something other than financial bubbles? Can we renew...
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Wall Street hyper-speculation brought the global economy to its knees in 2008-09.  To prevent a 1930s-level Depression at that time, economic policymakers throughout the world enacted extraordinary measures.  These included large-scale fiscal stimulus programs, financed by major expansions in...
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