Showing 24,681 - 24,690 of 24,958
Základným cieľom energetických politík je zabezpečenie dostupnosti zdrojov, energetickej diverzifikácie a podporovanie obnoviteľných zdrojov ako boja proti klimatickým zmenám. Najpodstatnejšou výzvou týchto politík, respektíve faktom, sa stáva vyčerpateľnosť ropy a jej...
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Autorka analyzuje historický vývoj zdaňovania energetických produktov na úrovni Európskej únie od prvého návrhu celoeurópskej tzv. uhlíkovej dane v roku 1992. Analyzuje Montiho návrh z roku 1997. Udáva postoje jednotlivých štátov EÚ k danému návrhu až po prijatie Smernice o...
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In this paper we use a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model to examine the Double Dividend (DD) hypothesis. Using the general equilibrium GTAP model data for Australia and the UK, we incorporate endogenous production taxes to achieve targeted abatement policies in the production of energy...
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The mitigation of climate change (CC) and responding to potential energy shortage (ES) are two important factors that highlight the need for a change in the concept of «competition for sustainability». The problems entailed by CC and EE hypotheses provide firms with an opportunity to jump to a...
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Northrhine-Westphalia (NRW) is the largest land of the Federal Republic of Germany. Until the 1970ies the Ruhr-area with a population of about 12 million people and a strong coal, steel and chemical industry had been plagued with severe pollution. In the 1970ies environmental protection had...
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Northrhine-Westphalia (NRW) is the largest land of the Federal Republic of Germany. Until the 1970ies the Ruhr-area with a population of about 12 million people and a strong coal, steel and chemical industry had been plagued with severe pollution. In the 1970ies environmental protection had...
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This paper focuses on the domestic energy policies of industrialised states and, in particular, those states which have been at the forefront in applying neo-liberal policies to the reform and restructuring of their energy supply industries. It examines the interactions between the neo-liberal...
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This discussion paper reviews the literature on experiences with innovation under the existing emissions trading schemes in the USA. The basic result from this review is that the innovation effects triggered by emissions trading have been limited because a) targets were not constraining in the...
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With its commitment to double the share of renewable fuels in electricity generation to at least 30% by 2020, the German government has embarked on a potentially costly policy course whose public support remains an open empirical question. Building on household survey data, in this paper we...
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Even though the EU clearly leads the global fight against climate change and despite the additional reduction in emissions due to the global crisis and European recession, the ambitious objectives flagged in the ?20-20-20 by 2020? strategy and ?climate-energy package ? may be out of reach if a...
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