Showing 1 - 10 of 46
This is an attempt at a succinct survey, from methodological and epistemological perspectives, of the burgeoning, apparently unstructured, field of what is often – misleadingly – referred to as computational economics. We identify and characterise four frontier research fields, encompassing...
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We outline, briefly, the role that issues of the nexus between noncomputability and unpredictability, on the one hand, and between undecidability and un-solvability, on the other, have played in Computable Economics. The mathematical underpinnings of Computable Economics are provided by...
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A constructive and recursion theoretic analysis of the standard Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model of economic theory is undertaken. It is shown, contrary to widely expressed views and textbook versions of the CGE model, that the standard CGE model is neither computable nor constructive...
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computability and constructivity consideration …
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underpinned - from the outset - by computability and constructivity considerations …
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Computability theory came into being as a result of Hilbert?s attempts to meet Brouwer?s challenges, from an … mathematics should be one vision of computability theory. However, there are fundamental di¤erences between computability theory …
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In this paper, a case for Velupillai's Computable Economics is made. It is claimed that the methodological approach and results (theorems) of classical recursion theory and constructive mathematics should be at the foundation of theorizing in economics. The major point is that Turing machine...
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The emergence of non-constructivities in economics is entirely due to the unnecessary and inappropriate formalization of economics by means of 'classical' mathematics. I have made similar claims for the emergence of uncomputabilities and undecidabilities in economics in earlier writings. Here,...
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need for transparent communication in policy making, this paper proposes an analytical framework based on computability …
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