Showing 91 - 100 of 242
This paper analyses the Romanian Fiscal System in relation with the requirements of a functional market economy. As a base for this analysis, we used the Basic World Tax Code, a Project Sponsored by the Harvard University International Tax Program, which proposed a Fiscal Code for the developing...
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This paper explores some important, from the multinational companies perspective, aspects of the Romanian corporate income tax comparing them with the corporate income taxes from other eastern European countries which compete with Romania in attracting foreign direct investments. That comparison...
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This paper explores the behavior of the Romanian capital market during the two period of fasting: the Great Lent and of the Nativity Fast. In this investigation we employ closing values of five indexes from Bucharest Stock Exchange for the period January 2007-August 2016. The sample of data is...
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The industrialization under a communist regime has some particularities generated by the state ownership, centralized administrative planning and, last but not least, by the communist leaders' visions on the roles of industries. During the reign of Josef Stalin, who considered that major role in...
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Romanian Abstract: Tehnicile seriilor de timp sunt utilizate frecvent în analiza financiară. Această lucrare abordează unele caracteristici ale variabilelor financiare care le particularizează evoluţia. Sunt prezentate, de asemenea, câteva tehnici simple de analiză a seriilor de timp
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The extended Friday the 13th Effect is a calendar anomaly consisting in abnormal stock returns that occur in a time interval that starts some trading days before the supposed unlucky day of Friday the 13th and it ends some trading days after. This paper approaches the presence of such patterns...
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Some calendar anomalies are not persistent in time. They experience various changes, including the modifications on their specific time intervals. This paper approaches the persistence in time of the abnormal returns of stock returns from United States capital market during the...
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The Romanian version of this paper can be found at ' 2371572' 2371572.This paper investigates the presence of Gone Fishin' Effects on the Romanian Capital Market from January 2000 to July 2013. In this analysis we employ daily values of five...
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This paper investigates the interactions among the Romanian industrial production, exports and imports after the adhesion to European Union. We employ monthly values testing for the Granger Causality between the variables in a Vector Autoregression framework. Our results indicate significant...
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In the recent years, the economic development, the implantation of the foreign capital companies, the workers migration and the adhesion to the E.U. led to important changes in the labor market from Romania. Thus, the offer of jobs for the people with high studies increased and is more...
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