Showing 1 - 10 of 14
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Bu calismada Turkiye ekonomisinde dis ticaret ve sanayilesmepolitikalarinda yapisal bir donusume gidildigi 1980 sonrasi donemde, dis ticaretin verimlilik ile olan iliskisinin analiz edilmesi amaçlanmýþtýr. Calismada ilk olarak, 1980-2007 arasi donemi kapsayan yillik veriler kullanilarak,...
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Bu calisma milli gelir hesaplari ve vergi hasilati istatistiklerini kullanarak Mendoza vd. (1994) ile Carey ve Rabesona (2002)’nin gelistirdigi yontemlerden hareketle Turkiye ekonomisi icin 1980–2006 donemi itibariyle, tuketim, hanehalki geliri, isgucu geliri ve sermaye geliri uzerindeki...
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This study aims at computing effective tax rates on consumption, household income, labour income and capital income for the Turkish economy from the viewpoints of the methods developed by Mendoza et al (1994) and Carey and Rabesona (2002) using national income accounts and tax revenue statistics...
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Friedman (1984), parasal büyümedeki değişkenliklerin paranın gelir dolanım hızında düşüşe yol açabileceğini ileri sürmüştür. Para otoritesi, para arzını kısa süre içerisinde arttırdığında para arzının oynaklığını arttırmakta ve buda belirsizliğe neden olarak...
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Bu calismada reel para talebinin, reel gelir, faiz orani, enflas yon ve doviz kuru degiskenleri ile etkilesimleri ampirik olarak incelenmek suretiyle Turkiye ekonomisi icin 1989Q1-2010Q4 doneminde uzun donem reel para talebi fonksiyonu tahmin edilmeye calisilmistir. Analiz donemi icerisinde...
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This paper estimates the price and income elasticity of industrial and residential electricity demand in Turkey for 1960–2008 period. Time varying parameters model based on Kalman filter is employed. The results show that the income and price elasticities of industrial and residential...
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This paper applies univariate unit root tests to annual data of 26 countries to examine the stationary properties of hours worked over the period 1950-2010. To this end, both conventional unit root tests and recent unit root tests allowing for structural breaks and nonlinearities in data...
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This study examines the relationship between unemployment and labor force participation to judge the presence of the discouraged worker/added worker/unemployment invariance effect in the US labor market, spanning the period 1976-2014. Panel unit root and cointegration tests explore this...
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This study aims at computing effective tax rates on consumption, household income, labour income and capital income for the Turkish economy from the viewpoints of the methods developed by Mendoza et al (1994) and Carey and Rabesona (2002) using national income accounts and tax revenue statistics...
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