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In this paper, which is a continuation of a previously published discrete time paper, we study a class of continuous time stochastic control problems which, in various ways, are time inconsistent in the sense that they do not admit a Bellman optimality principle. We study these problems within a...
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Three processes reflecting persistence of volatility are initially formulated by evaluating three Lévy processes at a time change given by the integral of a mean-reverting square root process. The model for the mean-reverting time change is then generalized to include non-Gaussian models that...
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Three processes reflecting persistence of volatility are initially formulated by evaluating three Lévy processes at a time change given by the integral of a mean-reverting square root process. The model for the mean-reverting time change is then generalized to include non-Gaussian models that...
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Dieser Literaturüberblick wertet 35 Forschungsarbeiten aus, die zwischen 2010 und 2012 veröffentlicht wurden und den Einfluss der Finanzspekulation auf die Agrarroh-stoffmärkte empirisch untersuchen: Gemäß aktuellem Erkenntnisstand spricht wenig für die Auffassung, dass die Zunahme der...
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The use of equilibrium models in economics springs from the desire for parsimonious models of economic phenomena that take human reasoning into account. This approach has been the cornerstone of modern economic theory. We explain why this is so, extolling the virtues of equilibrium theory; then...
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We consider second, third, fourth and fifth order stochastic dominance (SSD, TSD, FOSD and FISD, respectively) as well as decreasing absolute risk aversion (DARA) stochastic dominance (DSD). For comparison with DSD we also consider stochastic dominance (ESD) based on CARA utility functions....
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An example is used to show that efficient market expectations are not the same as expectations in a stochastic process. An implication is that efficient market expectations need not have stochastic properties like orthogonality and variance bounds. Failure to recognize this fact has led to bad...
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This paper develops a closed-form model for options on commodities under the assumptions of mean-reversion in the commodity prices and regime-switching in the commodity returns volatility. After a closed-form solution for the option value in constant regimes has been developed, the model is...
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