Showing 101 - 110 of 573
We extend Hansen’s (2005) recentering method to a continuum of inequality constraints to construct new Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests for stochastic dominance of any pre-specified order. We show that our tests have correct size asymptotically, are consistent against fixed alternatives and are...
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We propose inverse probability weighted estimators for the distribution functions of the potential outcomes of a binary treatment under the unconfoundedness assumption. We also apply the inverse mapping on the distribution functions to obtain the quantile functions. We show that the proposed...
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We develop a dynamic model of intermediate goods trade in which the pattern and the extent of intermediate goods trade are endogenous. We consider a small open economy whose …final good production employs an endogenous array of intermediate goods, from low technology (high cost) to high...
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This paper studies the optimal factor tax incidence in a neoclassical growth model with a given share of government expenditure in output. In the Ramsey planner’s optimization, the effect of next period’s capital on government expenditure equals the given share of the marginal product of...
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This paper explores the macro effects of monetary policy in a Schumpeterian growth model with an endogenous market structure and distinct cash-in-advance (CIA) constraints on consumption, production, and two distinct types of R&D investment - in-house R&D and entry investment. We show that the...
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This paper considers leisure externalities in a Lucas (1988) type model in which physical and human capital are necessary inputs in both sectors. In spite of a non-concave utility, the balanced growth path is always unique in our model which guarantees global stability for comparative-static...
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This paper studies the optimal factor tax incidence in a standard two-sector, human capital-based endogenous growth model elucidated by Lucas (1988). Capital income taxes generate dynamic inefficiency for capital accumulation and labor income taxes create dynamic inefficiency for human capital...
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We construct a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the null hypothesis that the conditional average treatment effect is non-negative conditional on every possible value of the covariates. The null hypothesis can be characterized as a conditional moment inequality under the unconfoundedness assumption,...
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台灣實質薪資水準於近十多年來近乎停滯狀態。2001年的薪資還與韓國相當,月薪大約1300美元左右,到2011年台灣薪資停留1477美元的水準,而韓國則已經高達2738美元, 幾乎是台灣的兩倍。若考慮物價水準的趨勢變化,...
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總額預算制度是一種讓醫療院所替代健保局來承擔財務風險,以舒緩健保財務壓力的制度設計。 總額預算制度的成敗與醫療院所衝量風氣強弱息息相關,同儕制約精神被不少學界、醫界人士認為是抑...
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