Showing 51 - 60 of 1,069
Multinational companies need to manage their relationships with multinational customers in a globally integrated approach. This paper provides a systematic framework for developing and implementing such global customer management programmes. The paper is based on Chapter 1 of George S. Yip and...
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News plays a crucial role in determining prices in financial markets. In an efficient market, current prices fully and correctly reflect all available information, such that only truly new information leads to price adjustment. This lecture shows that using high-frequency data makes it possible...
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Economic evaluations of health care can help to make better medical decisions. Decisions about life and death. Our current methods are wrong. Reality is different from what we did believe. Policy decisions based on our current tools are not at all in the best interests of patients. We,...
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The numerous scandals in business, such as those at AIG, Tyco, WorldCom, Enron and Ahold, have made all of us concerned about the emergence of unethical and irresponsible behavior in organizations. Such widespread corruption in business and politics has, as result, prompted a growth of interest...
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Different market structures and value systems give insight into the changing environment in which companies operate. In this inaugural address the central question is: What is the influence of market structures on the scope of the firm?The objective is to give meaningful contributions to the...
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Changes in the Dutch non-profit regime necessitate the direct participation of citizens and businesses in non-profit organisations. Dutch society must re-invent the commitment of citizens, businesses, foundations, universities and various other organisations by increasing both ‘community...
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Strategic and corporate entrepreneurship have been widely acknowledged by scholars and executives alike as an effective means of revitalizing organizations to improve performance. Spurring entrepreneurial behavior and exploration within established organizations, however, remains a big challenge...
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For an academic, finding an audience is critical. However, finding an audience is not always easy for most marketing academics. This inaugural address explores what the challenges are in finding an audience, among fellow scholars, students, public policy, industry, or society in general. It...
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De Open Onderneming: Een bedrijfsethisch vraagstuk In deze rede wordt de oproep vanuit de samenleving tot een grotere maatschappelijke openheid van bedrijven geplaatst in een bedrijfsethisch perspectief. Enerzijds zijn er bedrijfsethische redenen voor openheid. Anderzijds zijn er ook morele...
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