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Using perfectly competitive, general equilibrium models of international trade, specific import tariffs, specific export taxes, and ad valorem trade taxes are compared in a trade war. A trade war is modelled as a NE in trade policies, where each country can choose to use ad valorem trade taxes...
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Following the paradigm of neoclassical economics, the price mechanism is often considered as the unique efficient vehicle for driving the free markets; therefore, there is no any position for the government's role in an Arrow-Debreu's economy. However, there is no real evidence to support that...
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This paper characterizes the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of a symmetric, pure exchange economy with two goods and N agents with uniformly distributed preferences and identical endowments. Relaxing the auctioneer assumption, but maintaining a global price rule, sequentially random pairwise...
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Using perfectly competitive, general equilibrium models of international trade, specific import tariffs, specific export taxes, and ad valorem trade taxes are compared in a trade war. A trade war is modelled as a NE in trade policies, where each country can choose to use ad valorem trade taxes...
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Taxation under oligopoly is analysed in a general equilibrium setting where the firms are large relative to the size of the economy and maximise the utility of their shareholders. It turns out that the model is an aggregative game, which simplifies the comparative statics for the effects of...
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In an infinite-time decentralized sequence economy, agents use fiat money to bridge markets as if they make trades in a centralized economy, to avoid huge transaction cost that all agents' going together must incur. The model in this paper formulates the process how agents decide the fiat...
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We investigate the similarities and differences between matching markets and other canonical economic settings in the presence of complementarity. In particular, we explain the formal connections between the structure of matching markets with complementary contracts and games with strategic...
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In this paper we consider a class of market games in the context of a pure exchange economy with commodity money. Each trader chooses an action which is a list of what that trader would want to buy from each and every trader different from himself and two price vectors- one listing the bid...
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In this paper, we revisit a long-standing question on the structure of strategy-proof and Pareto-efficient social choice functions (SCFs) in classical exchange economies (Hurwicz (1972)). Using techniques developed by Myerson in the context of auction-design, we show that in a specific...
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Private state-verification is introduced in a two-period economy with spot markets in both periods and complete futures markets for contingent delivery in the second period. Existence of equilibrium is established, under standard assumptions. The equilibrium allocation is shown to be generically...
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