Showing 91 - 100 of 23,149
This paper investigates the origin and evolution of the concept of the industrial district. The idea of industrial district is quite widespread in modern industrial economics and in business studies, with a variety of meanings and typologies. Indeed the real original conceptualisation dates back...
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The successful use of special economic zones as economic tools for export-led industrial development in East Asia propelled a wave of similar initiatives across Africa. In Southern Africa, Zambia and South Africa instituted special economic zones in their respective legal and institutional...
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Die Lebensmittelverschwendung (würde sie als ein Land gewertet) ist nach China und den USA weltweit der größte Treibhausgasemittent. Insgesamt werden etwa ein Drittel aller Lebensmittel, die für den menschlichen Verzehr produziert wurden, entsorgt und gehen verloren (FAO, 2015). In...
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Despite more than two decades of economic integration efforts, levels of spatial development inequality remain high within the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Owing to persistent delays in the implementation of the SADC integration agenda, infrastructure connectivity is still...
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Is the German manufacturing industry, which has been leaving cities for less densely populated areas since World War II, being lured back into urban centers? This report analyses industrial start-ups from 2012 to 2016 and derives their preferred locations. The analysis shows that the start-up...
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Wird das verarbeitende Gewerbe, das seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg die Städte zugunsten weniger verdichteter Räume verlassen hat, in die Innenstädte zurückgelockt? Dieser Bericht analysiert das industrielle Gründungsgeschehen der Jahre 2012 bis 2016, aus dem sich die Standortpräferenzen neuer...
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[...] Die deutsche Land- und Forstwirtschaft ist von primären Klimafolgen wie stetig steigenden Durchschnittstemperaturen, veränderten Niederschlagsmustern und immer häufiger auftretenden, regional und saisonal sehr unterschiedlich ausgeprägten Extremwetterereignissen betroffen. Zudem...
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The Government of India initiated a program in 1994 to promote manufacturing in districts designated as backward. The way the backward districts were identified enables us to employ a regression discontinuity design to evaluate the impacts of the program. We find that the program's 5-year tax...
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O recente interesse pelo estudo do desenvolvimento regional e mais concretamente das assimetrias decorrentes dos processos de integração económica, que ameaçam levar ao esvaziamento progressivo de territórios competitivos ao nível comunitário, é de particular interesse para Angola. Os...
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The trajectories of internationalisation followed by family firms can be viewed from several theoretical approaches: phases and models of the internationalisation process; international entrepreneurship, the sociological perspective and family business theory. A historical perspective of...
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